This is one faux outrage people need to chill down about.

Contrary to what some people are foaming about, contact tracing is not a secret and nefarious government project which is designed to squeeze information out of you before you and yours are sent to  Quarantine Camps to die.  It is a normal investigative technique that has an immense value on figuring out how a sickness spreads and how where and and who got it started.  This has been done pretty much since Pasteur saw the little bugs in the microscope, so it is far from some Facebook/Bill Gates conspiracy to chip everybody and  fore people to buy Apple Products.

From TB to syphilis to  smallpox, every single one of their breakouts was not only treated with the correspondent medications and therapies, but with an investigation on how it got passed along. Hell, go ask your grandparents what was the procedure when back in the day somebody ended up with a drippy dick.

So chill, you are not legally to respond to any questions. Just say you are busy and have no idea how you got the clap…er… Wuhan V. and hang up the phone.

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I’ll ask again, why are Democrat governors such pieces of sh*t?

From FOX News:

Michigan Gov. Whitmer caught in Memorial Day lockdown controversy over husband’s reported boat request

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer faced backlash from Republican lawmakers after a reported request from her husband to get the family’s boat out on the water before Memorial Day weekend — far from their home in Lansing.

In Facebook posts no longer visible to the public, NorthShore Dock LLC and its owner, Tad Dowker, focused on what Dowker said was a request last week by Whitmer’s husband, Marc Mallory. The posts caught the attention of Republican state lawmakers, who said the governor’s family may not have wanted to follow the guidance she’s issued for the rest of the state.

“This morning, I was out working when the office called me, there was a gentleman on hold who wanted his boat in the water before the weekend,” Dowker posted, The Detroit News reported. “Being Memorial weekend and the fact that we started working three weeks late means there is no chance this is going to happen.”

He continued, “Our office personnel had explained this to the man and he replied, ‘I am the husband to the governor, will this make a difference?'” The docking company later noted that Mallory respectfully accepted that the accommodation would not be possible.

So the governor’s husband had the audacity to pull the “do you know who I am” on people who opened late because of his wife’s bullshit lockdown tyranny.

That’s balls.

Whitmer locked the state down until June 2and and rumor is she’s going to push that back again, but her husband can order people to break out his boat from storage.

The double standard is not surprising but the gall of it is.

I swear there must be a competition among Democratic leaders to see who is the biggest piece of shit.

I suspect the prize is Biden’s VP slot.  It should be a hemp necktie.

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Backyard Critters

It has rained a lot in South Florida in the last 2 days. And when a Floridian tells you it rained a lot, it usually is the equivalent of declaration of emergency up north.

By my estimations, our lake has raised over a foot, maybe a foot and a half? Anyways, it is now officially in my backyard.


Anyway, some creature usually not seen that close, dropped by possibly hiding for the predatory companions.


No bass was seen while I was outside. They are notoriously paranoid creatures, specially in very clear waters.

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About the Supermarket Karens in Staten Island

For all their righteous indignation about keeping themselves “healthy” by attacking Mask-Less, they missed something important:

Mobs don’t follow Social Distancing guidelines.

An idea about reducing contagion it has become the badge of moral authority for the petty dictators among us to badger others that do not look like them. But they do not see their own failings because it is not about the health anymore.


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Why are Democrat governors such pieces of sh*t?

Last week I wrote a post about California Governor Gavin Newsom holding Californians hostage over federal bailout money.

This week New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy decided to do the same thing:

New Jersey governor warns of major cuts to teachers, firefighters, police officers and health care workers without more federal funding

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy on Sunday warned that key employees — including health care workers, firefighters, police officers and teachers — could be laid off if the state does not receive additional funding from the federal government.

The dire prediction from Murphy reflects what many governors across the country fear as states grapple with budget shortfalls from the economic calamity brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. The Democrat and other governors have called for additional federal assistance while the White House is reluctant to provide additional funds to states. On Friday, Murphy announced the state is estimated to have a revenue loss of $10 billion.

Are you telling me that there isn’t one unnecessary bit of bullshit or waste that New Jersey could cut to fund teachers and firefighters?

Of course there is, but trimming that fat would keep politicians from lining their pockets from the government coffers and upset the donors who give money in exchange for feeding at the trough of waste spending.

That is far more valuable to politicians than teachers, firefighters, or police.

So these politicians demand that our federal taxes pay for their necessities so their state budgets can still be spent on grift and graft.

The only thing that should be sent to New Jersey is a guillotine.

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Masked lynch mob recorded in New York

From Twitter:

If you wonder how lynch mobs or pogroms form or how something like Kristallnacht was able to happen, this is it.

A bunch of people were driven by the powers that be (politicians and the media) to hysterical fear and ganged up on and verbally assaulted an innocent person for not wearing a mask.

The effectiveness of homemade cloth masks is still dubious.  Data seems to indicate that in close proximity, where the mask is able to catch large droplets of expectorated sputum a cloth mask is better than nothing.  Cloth masks are much less effective in stopping the aerosolized virus which is much finer than the mesh of the fibers.

If you are near someone who is coughing, a DIY mask might decrease the viral load you are exposed to.  Just walking around outside, a mask is little to no help.

Masks are most effective when sick people with a cough are wearing them.  Again, cloth masks are only good at catching large droplets.  If you are not expectorating droplets and your mask isn’t so fine that it it makes breathing difficult (if you’eve ever worn a properly fitting chemical respirator or have gone through MOPP training, you know what I’m talking about) that mask isn’t stopping you from exhaling virus.

But the science of masks doesn’t matter to these people.  They have been told that wearing a mask is a moral duty and someone not wearing a mask is a grandma killer.  The heretic was driven out.

The internet was quick to pile on the victim of the mob.

This one is the most revealing:

See, it’s not about protecting people’s health. It’s that wearing a mask and wanting the lockdown to continue has become a political virtue for some and everyone who disagrees for any reason is the enemy to be utterly destroyed.

I promise you, this will get worse.

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