Paramount Network goes woke and cancels COPS

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — “Cops,” which initially began running on the air in 1989 on Fox, has been officially canceled by Paramount Network days after the popular show was pulled from the air, reports said.

Variety exclusively reported last week that the show’s 33rd season was delayed, as A&E decided to also not run new episodes of “Live PD,” which follows officers in real time across the country.

Report: Long-running ‘Cops’ TV show canceled by Paramount Network

So what are they going to show? They will be running out of material pretty soon and nothing much is being produced if at all.

What will the Entertainment industry in general do? Are they going to kill all other cop shows? Are they willing to take the downfall in ratings and a helluva less income just to appease political punditry?

Somehow “The True Non-Gendered Non-Marital Companions of Antifa Seattle” does not ring like a winner. Maybe then new show “Survivor: Safe Space.”  Or a new miniseries in the History channel depicting the Civil War but without mentioning the Confederacy or the battles because it would be celebrating capitalistic violence.  And the New Food Network will be 24:7 Vegan recipes!



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Seattle: Antifa now has its official city within the city. (UPDATE: They effing did it)

And they provided a map and everything.

And not a welcome sign, but close enough.


Kinda reminds me of a now gone Soviet zone.

And this is confirmed by another Free Journo:

Barricaded street.


And an abandoned police precinct.

I did a quick check in Google maps on the occupied area and besidedssome housing,  it seems to be chockful of eateries, bars and one liquor distribution place.  No idea if those now in the “Free Zone” were in it or were forced to participate in the new age of Seattle.

I suspect we have some sort of “hostage” situation.

I checked Twitter just now (7:34 pm EST) to see what was new in Seattle’s Antifa Town and I guess I was more in the money that I thought. This photo just popped in the timeline.

Welcome to Checkpoint Charlie, Seattle, UA



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Ben Crump calls in the Blue Helmets to Minneapolis

From Newsweek:

George Floyd’s Lawyer Asks United Nations to Intervene in Case, Make Police Reform Recommendations

Ben Crump, the attorney representing George Floyd’s family, has called on the United Nations to intervene and investigate the circumstances around the middle-aged black man’s death and to make recommendations about law enforcement reforms.

So he wants the UN, who has no jurisdiction in the US to do what exactly?

“Among the reforms requested were deescalating techniques, independent prosecutions and autopsies for every extrajudicial police killing in an effort to stop further human rights abuses including torture and extrajudicial killings of African Americans to protect their inherent and fundamental human right to life,” Crump said in a statement about the June 3 letter sent to the U.N.

The only thing the UN knows how to do is rape, child molestation, child exploitation, and theft.  I’m not sure how that skill set helps reform police.

“The United States of America has a long pattern and practice of depriving Black citizens of the fundamental human right to life …The United States government has consistently failed to hold police accountable and did not bring Federal criminal charges even in cases with irrefutable video evidence. When a group of people of any nation have been systemically deprived of their universal human right to life by its government for decades, it must appeal to the international community for its support and to the United Nations for its intervention,” Crump said.

The UN is where the worst human right violators go to cover their crimes with a patina of legitimacy.

They would only make things worse.

Moreover, our judicial system is working, his involvement in it is proof of that.  If we were truly broken the government would not have prosecuted the four officers or let s black lawyer sue.

Crump is appealing to a corrupt anti-American authority because he’s a Leftist and that what they do.  His request is neither legal nor a good idea, but that’s not the point.

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Why use Deadly Force against Arson?

A Jacksonville man is accused of having a Molotov cocktail — a homemade fire bomb — at a May 31 protest downtown against police brutality, racial injustice and the death of George Floyd, who was killed by Minneapolis police.

Ivan Jacob Zecher, 27, faces federal charges of possessing a firearm as a felon and possessing an unregistered firearm, U.S. Attorney Maria Chapa Lopez announced Monday afternoon

Jacksonville felon charged with having Molotov cocktail at protest


And from another article, we get an interesting description:

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives determined the bottle contained gasoline and polystyrene (a flammable gel), and the cork to which was coated with polystyrene, which constituted a “Molotov cocktail,” an incendiary bomb and destructive device and therefore considered a firearm under federal law.

George Floyd protests: Man arrested in Jacksonville faces federal charges for possessing Molotov cocktail
Not quite your run of the mill Molotov Cocktail like you usually see, but a bottle filled with bathtub napalm.  This device will not simply explode and then flame out, but it will continue to burn and burn till the gel is consumed. The bad news? It does so ever so lowly burning everything it touched and water will not put it out. Now please imagine flesh being touched by that.

I am not going to post  photos of Napalm victims, you can do that on your own. I am just going to quote Larry Correia (again):

“Stop, drop, and roll doesn’t work with napalm. ”

And that is why we need to shoot arsonists on sight.

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Miami Herald to leave their building in Doral in August.

It will continue to do  work at home and will seek other places (read cheaper) next year.  They blame the pandemic which is the Gun company equivalent of going bankrupt during Obama’s administration or not being able to sell guns this year for that matter. You have people captured at home, with WiFi, bored and with a thirst to know stuff and you can’t sell? 

We know that the office space of today is not what the office space will be for tomorrow as it relates to social distancing and keeping our employees safe. For that reason, Miami Herald and el Nuevo Herald employees will continue to work remotely through the end of the year. After the New Year, once the commercial real estate industry has sorted itself out with regard to new standards and approaches, we will find a new, centralized home.

Miami Herald is moving out of its office building in Doral

First cup of Schadenfreude is on the house!


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A fly in the Utopian ointment

I am going to shamelessly rip off one of Miguel’s old posts.

In the last couple of days, we’ve heard a lot about defunding or disbanding the police.

In every instance, the alternative suggested by these radicals is some vague bromide about community and social services and being there for neighbors.

Three years ago, Miguel wrote a post “But if we educate them, they won’t rape.”

The evil in it has stuck in my mind ever since.

To quote the original article he pulled from:

Attempted rapist: ‘I truly enjoy the hunt and cannot wait for my prize’

Frank Yeager, of Bucks County, was originally convicted of attempted rape in 2013, the Morning Call reported. State police told the paper he fantasized about raping women.

He was convicted of planning a rape of a real estate agent who fit his mold of a “Paris Hilton” type. The agent managed to escape after refusing to go upstairs in a secluded model home.

Lehigh Valley Live reported Yeager’s diary and computer searches showed he was hell-bent on rape.

Yeager’s diary was filled with drawings and writings, detailing rape fantasies. He spent five months working on the plan, including putting together a list of more than 200 real estate agents.

“I truly enjoy the hunt and cannot wait for my prize,” one diary entry read. “If you are reading this I found a realtor woman and raped her. I have been planning and have wanted this my whole life.”

This person is a monster.  A vicious, evil, predator.

There is no amount of social services or community action that could or would have stopped him.

Only a police officer putting him in handcuffs and behind bars did that.

People like this exist.

The people who are diving the anti-police activism have seem to have this idea that every criminal is a victim.  If you just satisfy their needs and be their friend they will magically transform into a functioning member of society and won’t resort to criminality.

This is utopianism at best and gross naiveté at worst.

My only hope is that when the police are disbanded, the Frank Yeagers of this world will choose to indulge their evil apatites on the politicians who voted to disband the police and not innocent people.  However, I know that won’t be the case.

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