A few more de Blasio nazi memes

That six-foot five-inch Nazi piece of shit is getting called out on Twitter.

These are a few of my favorite memes.



If you missed the news, Mayor de Blasio announced that he will have people who go swimming at New York City beaches over Memorial Day weekend will be “taken right out of the water.”

In light of that, this one is totally appropriate:

This is what is happening to him on Twitter:


Clearly there are decent Americans who see de Blaso for what he truly is, so it makes you wonder why the people in his party are not able to.


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Obergruppenführer de Blasio strikes again

A Tweet from the office of the Mayor of New York City.


Mayor Bill de Blasio is keeping New York City safe from Jews.  He had the NYPD raid a Jewish school and is issuing a Cease and Desist Order to keep Jews from teaching their children in Jewish schools.

You know this is true because this has nothing to do with keeping kids safe from infection as school-age children are the least at risk from Coronavirus.

Life in New York City for the Orthodox:


De Blasio’s consistent targeting of New York’s visible Jewish population is grotesque.  The silence of other Democrats, Jewish or otherwise, not calling him out for it is deafening.


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Machete attack in Nashville. I hate the damned things.

Reader Robert E. sent me this sad one.

TENNESSEE — A suspect is in custody after police say he “randomly” attacked a married couple with a machete at a self-storage center near downtown Nashville Sunday.
The horrific incident occurred at the ‘Public Storage’ business — located at 800 5th Ave. South.
WSMV’s Joushua Cole said in a tweet, “I cannot repeat the exact verbiage the officer used to describe the scene, at this time, but it sounds like this is a very sad situation.”

Police say 6 officers treated the victims on scene with multiple tourniquets. Both were transported to a a hospital in critical condition.

Couple Fighting For Their Life After Being ‘Randomly’ Attacked By Machete-Wielding Man In Nashville

A Tweet from somebody saying is a friend of the victims may explain why the multiple tourniquets.

The machete, reasonably sharpened, is a very efficient cutting/chopping tool. Short and light, it is deadly on a non-trained user with the advantage of being silent. Use the non-sharpened edge against a skull and it will crack it. Slap the flat side against somebody’s butt or lower back, and the pain will throw him to his knees.

Against a machete-wielding attacker, I will give no quarters, nor wait to see if he changes his mind.

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One question about celebrities and their quarantine videos

Am I the only one who is tired of their pandering? And I mean it by the way they try so hard to look like they are “suffering” in their homes, (big ass homes most of them) as if they just participated in two seasons of Survivor: Devil’s Island and Siberia?

If you are going to be in front of a camera: Ladies, a bit of make up won’t kill you, brush you hair and use a barrette if necessary . Guys, if you do not know how to take care of a beard, fucking shave.  Also, comb your hair or wear a cap. The nasty homeless hobo look has never been in season.

NOTABLE EXCEPTION AWARD: Goes to John Krazinsky and his Some Good News channel.  You can’t help but like the guy and appreciate his effort.  The SGN logo behind him was done by his small daughters as a contribution to daddy’s efforts.



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It only took a Pandemic for Ladd Everitt to accept the Insurrectionists.

I almost fainted when I saw this tweet in my feed.

HOLY CRAP!  Old heads will remember when Ladd quoted from a  paper by Carl T. Bogus (not joking, that is the name) titled Heller and Insurrectionism.

The most significant aspect of District of Columbia v. Heller is the Court’s pronouncement that the Founders intended to guarantee an individual right to keep and bear arms. But there is another idea lurking in the Court’s opinion with potentially great ramifications of its own: the idea that the Founders gave us a right to keep and bear arms as an ultimate check against governmental tyranny. This is an insurrectionist theory because it legitimizes a right of the people to be armed, potentially to go to war against their own government.

…this essay is a plea that the Court reconsider its endorsement of insurrectionism.

Ladd latched to this concept for years. You supported the Second Amendment? You were an evil insurrectionists.  and had no issue quoting this paper.

You can go have fun of the exchange LC Soctty had with Ladd and how he defended some very indefensible things. A now retired Gun Blogger went as far as creating  patches commemorating CSGV’s stupidity:

No, they are no longer available and yes, I have mine as a duly “appointed” (By CSGV) insurrectionist.

And you will see it as a joke, but Ladd and his minions got tired of reporting us as dangerous criminals to Twitter and the authorities. Still back then Twitter was not still in the full Soviet shit, Twitter Gulag was in its infancy and shadowbanning was not even a concept. We were hated then as we and you are now.

But it is nice to see Ladd coming around and giving us the proper respect…even if accidentally.




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