There is a shortage of Coronavirus tests.

However, there is no shortage of tests to determine if you are a piece of shit infected with TDS.

I found another one.

If you like or retweet this, you are a sick piece of shit with TDS.

Fred Guttenberg failed the test.

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I’m hoping this is a silver lining to the Coronavirus

An Australian MP who has so far built here career on identityΒ victim status decided to remind the Australian legislature just how hard the Coronavirus has been on women because sexism or something.

Sure, the virus infects men at a higher rate and kills them at a much higher rate, but so what.

Yes, many nurses are women, but equipment and facility maintenance (including in hospitals) is overwhelmingly male, so are the hazardous waste and garbage disposal workers who have to handle all the infected biowaste that these hospitals are putting out.Β  Don’t forget the overwhelming male dominance of first responders like police, firefighters, and EMT’s.

Not to mention the factory workers and truckers making and shipping this sudden demand for PPE across the country.

Many people have a role to play in tackling this crisis, but apparently only women are suffering.

I guess asking the hospital maintenance men who are keeping the building in operation to work double shifts isn’t as bad as asking the nurses to work double shifts.

Maybe it’s just me, but this moment, this identity politics grievance-mongering just seems extra grating.

We are in the middle of a pandemic that threatens not just lives but the collapse of the global economy, and yet “women and minorities hardest hit.”

For the last couple of weeks the grievance-mongers have either been silent or ignored because of the enormousness and enormity of the situation.

(Except for the “China virus is racist” which seems to be ChiCom coordinated propaganda.)

For what it’s worth, it’s been a pleasant respite from all of that bullshit.

Hopefully, as society goes back to normal, we will remember what it was like not to hear identity politics grievance bullshit and normal people will start to tell the grievance-mongers to stuff their griping up their asses.

In a time of dire circumstances, we learn very quickly what is important and what is not.Β  It was made crystal clear in the last couple of weeks that the people who can make, ship and stock, toilet paper and hand sanitizer are infinitely more valuable to society than idiot celebrities and grievance-mongers.

Let’s not forget that in the post-Coronacrisis world.

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I don’t think D-listers cut it

Kathy Griffin sent out this Tweet:

I don’t think this is Pence’s fault.

I just think everyone in the hospital decided that a D-list celebrity who managed to ruin New Years Even in New York City for years on end wasn’t worth testing in an era of medical supply rationing.

You know what would be funny?

If she starts to bitch about needing a ventilator, send in her illegal immigrant gardener, dressed like Patch Adams, with an air mattress hand pump.

Some acts you only do once.


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Maybe there is a reason why NYC is deep in Wuhan Virus crap, Part 2: Is TDS collecting corpses in NYC?

And I saw this posted in Twitter:

And what was the “misinformation” about the Coronavirus? May it had to do with President Trump enacting a travel ban against China because of the Wuhan virus a week earlier?


I am presuming one had nothing to do with the other since Dr. Oxiris Barbot is still the Commissioner of Health of the City of New York. I mean, DeBlasio would not put politics over the health and life of the citizens of his city and would have fired on the spot anybody putting politics above the health of Americans, right?

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Maybe there is a reason why NYC is deep in Wuhan Virus crap

Maybe was it because President Trump told New Yorkers to ignore the virus and go to the movies? Oh wait. It was not him.


The New York attitude is coming back to bit them in the ass big time.Β  Will somebody please tell me how is it that after 9/11, the hospitals in NYC are not ready and trained for a major NBC (Β (nuclear, biological,Β chemical) event?Β  How many times through the last 2 decades we heard New York government saying they are always “one day away from a major attack, please send us more money to prepare”? How many billions have been spent in infrastructure and training only to see the Governor come on TV bitching they are out of masks and ventilators or in fact, that they never had enough from the beginning?

Not for nothing, but this graphic is starting to make sense.

Just make sure DeBlasio and the rest of the politicians are kept inside.

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This is why people disdain journalists: We know better than you.

This were tweets by a NPR Radio Station

I was never able to digest public radio stations. Maybe it was bad luck, but the few times I tuned in, they had some jackass with a know-it-all tone of voice that felt like nails scratching the blackboard.

I get it. You guys hate Orange Man and you need to cut off his message because he is actually being very well received by the American people.Β  But what personally ticks me off is that you are treating me and your listeners as imbeciles that require Mommy NPR to come along and protect us from the pure emanations of the President and only give us the interpretation Β pablum that comes out of you barren informational nipple.

I know you want to, but you do not think for me, nor I will let you.

But wait, there is more on why disdain the media. This was an actual question asked by an American Journalist to the President of the United States.

I have nothing else to say.

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