Vice publishes the most Social Justice article ever (stroke warning ahead)

This is from Vice:

As Hospitals Prepare for COVID-19, Life-Saving Trans Surgeries Are Delayed
Though medical facilities may soon become overtaxed for everyone, the coronavirus pandemic has shed light on how transgender people’s care can be treated as “non-essential.”

Holy fuck.  That is some serious victimhood right there.

For transgender and gender non-conforming people, gender-affirming surgeries are life-altering procedures, which, for many, can greatly reduce gender dysphoria and improve their quality of life. But in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, trans communities on Reddit and Twitter are being flooded with reports of postponed and canceled surgeries in the U.S., U.K., Spain, Thailand, and elsewhere, leading to enormous stress and disappointment on top of a global health crisis.

I am so sorry that people getting sick from a highly communicable disease and taking up all the hospital beds is getting in the way of your having an addadicktome.

This underscores a common experience amongst trans people seeking medical care or surgery: Research has suggested that gender-affirming surgery, in particular, has a notable and long-term impact on mental health, but far too often, trans people already wait far longer than is safe or healthy for this care. Further delays can be dangerous and even life-threatening.

I want to be clear about this.  Suicidiation is a serious comorbidity of serious mental illness.

Arguing that trans people will commit suicide if they do not get transition surgery when they want it is an argument that said individuals are suffering from a serious mental illness.  This is not an argument to accelerate transition surgery.  This is an argument for the involuntary commitment of said individual.

“If you do not do what I want, I will kill myself” does not fly for anything else.  It should not fly for trans people, and to try and say that it does undermines the idea that trans people are something other than very mentally ill.

Violet Jones, a 29-year-old trans woman and assistant professor in New York, has a procedure scheduled for May that hasn’t been canceled yet, but she feels it’s imminent. NYC is a national leader in transgender care, but Mayor Bill de Blasio has issued an executive order delaying all non-emergency surgery for the next few weeks.

This includes things like hip and knee replacements for elderly patients.  The kinds of surgeries that have shown to save lives by making elderly patients ambulatory and able to exercise, preventing respiratory illness and bed sores.

Many trans patients already battle with insurance companies over which procedures are considered “medically necessary”, and health providers often use words such as “cosmetic” or “elective” to deny coverage, language that is mirrored by those unfamiliar with trans care in ways that can be hurtful. In strictly medical terms, “elective” surgery doesn’t just encompass “cosmetic” procedures, but includes anything non-emergent, even surgery for tumors and leaky heart valves. Many gender-related surgeries also fall under this category. Doctors and patients obviously want any necessary procedure performed, but currently, the idea is that they are not immediately life-threatening, and limited space in hospitals could be better used for patients affected by COVID-19.

With all due respect to the trans community, but amputating the healthy breasts off a young woman is not more medically necessary than replacing a leaky heart valve, implanting a stent in a patient with a blockage, or putting a pacemaker into a patient with A-fib.

If you think it is, fuck you.  Those patients could die at any moment.  At worst, you just need to call a hotline.

This is victimhood taken to the next level.





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China is still lying about the Coronavirus and dealing with it in a typical communist fashion. I suspect the sh*t is going to hit the fan in China.

God damn the American media to hell.

Most Americans are still ignorant of the horrors of the Great Leap Forward.  Remember that Chairman Mao was responsible for the deaths of 45 Million Chinese citizens during his revolution.  Keep in mind that the current government of China is a direct descendent of that government and that the current government has the same amount of respect for human life.

The American media has started pushing the story that China has controlled its internal outbreak and is now worried about a secondary outbreak from foreign infections coming into China.

This is predicated on the news that China has its outbreak under control and that the number of new confirmed cases is tapering off.



I am convinced that this data is absolute Chinese Communist propaganda horseshit and that this worry about reinfection is China’s propaganda arm trying to get out ahead of all hell breaking loose in China.

According to public data, Italy has more deaths than with nearly double the mortality rate of China.



I do not believe this for one fucking second.

Taiwanese news is reporting that leaked information shows that the actual death toll is much higher than the Chinese government is reporting.

On late Saturday evening (Feb. 1), the Tencent webpage showed confirmed cases of the Wuhan virus in China as standing at 154,023, 10 times the official figure at the time. It listed the number of suspected cases as 79,808, four times the official figure.

The number of cured cases was only 269, well below the official number that day of 300. Most ominously, the death toll listed was 24,589, vastly higher than the 300 officially listed that day.

Moments later, Tencent updated the numbers to reflect the government’s “official” numbers that day. Netizens noticed that Tencent has on at least three occasions posted extremely high numbers, only to quickly lower them to government-approved statistics.

The mortality rates for the numbers briefly shown on Tencent are much higher. The death rate for Jan. 26 was 2,577 deaths out of 15,701 infections, or 16 percent.

The death rate for the Feb. 1 post was 24,589 deaths out of 154,023 infections, which also comes out to 16 percent.

These leaked numbers make much more sense.  Italy has a mortality rate of about 8% and Iran is reporting a mortality rate of 7%.  For China, which provides little to no health care to the poor, a higher mortality rate is expected.

We keep hearing about a ventilator shortage and how critical ventilators are to Coronavirus survivability.  The central aim of the Chinese government is to make China look good, not take care of its people.  So why then is the media publishing articles like this:

China sends medical supplies, experts to help Italy battle coronavirus

If China has twice as many infected people as Italy than why is it giving doctors and equipment to Italy?

It’s not, giving, first of all.  It’s selling equipment to Italy to the tune of $17,000 per ventilator.

Because China does not care about its people and would rather sell that equipment to a paying European customer than treat its own sick citizens, which costs the government money.

Leaked information coming out of China shows what I believe to be the truth.

Watch this video of a Chinese SWAT team practice the arrest of a suspected Coronavirus patient.  Notice how many people are in biohazard PPE, not just sneeze masks.

Here is a video that shows Chinese government officials dragging sick people from their homes.  (Additional links here)

There are videos of China imposing the quarantine by welding the doors of apartment buildings shut.

A Chinese interest news agency based in New York (to bypass the censors) is reporting that people are being cremated alive in Wuhan.

Politifact has claimed that this story is false, but provides no evidence for that other than it cannot be corroborated.

Australian news reports that Chinese patients are not being tested for Coronavirus and the families are officially being told the “official cause of death listed as severe pneumonia” and cremated the bodies.  This seems more similar to the “cremated alive” story than Politicfact admits.

While I am willing to take the “cremated alive” story with a grain of salt, remember that China is known for killing political prisoners by harvesting their organs while they are alive, to sell their organs on the black market.  I believe that any nation that does that is more than capable of cremating people alive to suppress bad news about the Coronavirus.

China is controlling the spread of the virus by exterminating the people.

Much like how the NYPD can say crime is down if they don’t report it, the Chinese Government can say that they’ve have had few or no new confirmed cases if they don’t bother to test suspected patients and instead make them disappear.

If a person with a fever is arrested, shot, and their body burnt, they are not listed as having died of the Coronavirus.

Does anybody really believe that the intent of welding the doors of an apartment building closed, trapping everyone inside, is to do anything other than make sure everyone in the building dies, either of the virus or starvation?

They won’t need to count the bodies and confirm the number of Coronavirus deaths, they will just raze the building or burn it to the ground, and dispose of whatever remains were inside.

Even American media has been reporting that the Chinese government has been censoring the truth about the virus.

All of this information adds up to a suspicion that the situation in China is worse than anyone in the US is even close to reporting.

China, despite all the efforts of a repressive totalitarian government that came to power with the murder of tens of millions of its own citizens, might not be able to disappear enough people to keep a lid on this.  They are getting out ahead of a Coronavirus explosion by feeding the useful idiots in America the story that “if there is another spike in infected Chinese, it came from the US/West” rather than admit they are running out of bullets to shoot suspected sick people.

Never, and I mean never, underestimate the evil, inhumane, mendacity of a communist country.  There is absolutely no reason to believe anything they are saying, and what the truth is, is probably orders of magnitude worse than what we could possibly imagine.


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I just got hepatitis from a Tweet (warning)

This is a public service announcement.


I posted this for a reason.  If you have young men in your family who are in their early twenties, show them this video and have them commit this girl’s face to memory, just in case they ever see her in public they know never to approach her.

After doing that, there is no part of any male’s anatomy that should ever get near her mouth ever again for the rest of her life.

Be careful out there.

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Amazing the things that happen when you don’t have to wait for Central Government

Domino’s hiring up to 10K workers as demand increases.


Amazon hiring 100K workers to fill order surge during coronavirus outbreak

And Brother Jim K. just informed me that his”local privately own grocery is hiring 2500 new workers to help with on site pickups”

I know, compared to the level of people not working, it is a small drop. But Capitalism will adapt to the events and perform if it is left to perform.

More stuff like this will be coming, I am sure there are other companies preparing to launch similar enterprises or other ones that will allow for economic movement.

Socialism is stagnation

Update Via Comments (thanks!):

Kroger CEO: We have hired 2,000 people and have 10,000 openings in response to coronavirus demand

Wallyworld is looking to hire 150,000 workers, will be giving a special cash bonus for hourly associates

That makes over a quarter of a million new jobs.


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I was not the only one thinking about home made surgical masks: How to make face masks at home.

EVANSVILLE, Ind. — Citing shortages, Deaconess Health System, including Henderson’s Methodist Health, has asked the public to sew face masks for staff fighting coronavirus.

“This does follow CDC protocols that you can find on their website that if all other supplies are not available, that handmade masks that meet certain criteria are acceptable,” Deaconess spokeswoman Becca Scott said.

Coronavirus: Deaconess asks public to sew CDC-compliant face masks for staff

OUTSTANDING!  Here is the link with all the instructions and the how-to video.

Deaconess: How to make a Face Mask



Deaconess – How to make a Face Mask

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