Visual example of the economics of Zimbawe/Venezuela.

As J. Kb. wrote:

Do you know what will happen the day after the mint mints two trillion dollar coins?

Toilet paper goes up to $10 a roll and stays there.  Milk is $15 a gallon instead of $1.5 a gallon, and it will cost $400 to fill up my tank.

Just as Venezuelans how much they love their fourteen-million Bolivar chickens?

The Squad apparently all studied economics abroad in Zimbabwe

Going through a purse of mom’s recently, I found this:

That is 90 Bolivares. In the heyday of booming oil income, it was the equivalent of $20.93. Right now? Go in your pocket or spare change jar and pull out a penny. Now look at the date and look at one of the digits. Do you see the fraction of the space it covers? That is the equivalent of the bills above today.

The value of the paper of this bills is worth more than the currency. The government switched to a cheaper paper  a while back because it was idiotic even under The Squad/Socialism guidelines to print currency at such a loss. And yes, the paper has minimal or no security features, but who is going to counterfeit Venezuelan Bolivares?

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The Squad apparently all studied economics abroad in Zimbabwe

The Squad never fails to impress by demonstrating new levels of economic ignorance.

First AOC:

Her takeaway from a one-time bailout intended to help alleviate the pain of the government shutting down the economy by telling at least half of working Americans that they are non-essential and can’t go to work is that all this time we had the money to fund every cradle to grave Progressive handout they ever dreamed up, and the only reason we don’t is that the Republicans are just mean people who want others to suffer.

The only reason I am pro-bailout of any kind is that the current economic problem is one created by the government.  When the government tells you to shutter your business for something that is not your fault, they should pay you for it.

Eminent domain says the government cannot seize your property without just compensation.  Call a forced quarantine a temporary seizure.  They are temporarily taking control of your property and limiting what you can do with it.

The homeless crisis in New York isn’t caused by the New York City government forcing businesses to close because of quarantine, and the federal government shouldn’t be on the hook to take care of New York City’s vagrants, many of whom just want to be vagrants.

But I guess for AOC, if the government is in for a penny it’s in for a pound.  A $1.8 Trillion bailout or a $34 Trillion Green New Deal, what’s the difference?

Next, we turn to Rashida “Blood Libel” Talib:

Tlaib proposes minting two $1 trillion platinum coins to finance monthly coronavirus debit cards


Rep. Rashida Tlaib has proposed sending everyone in the United States $1,000 per month to counter the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic.

The Michigan Democrat’s plan would be financed by having the Federal Reserve create new money on behalf of the Treasury. To skirt the federal debt limit, the U.S. Mint would create two $1 trillion coins, and the Treasury would deposit them in its account at the Fed.

Under Tlaib’s proposal, everyone in the U.S., including illegal immigrants, would receive a $2,000 debit card immediately, either through the mail or by having a dedicated government corps seek them out. Families would receive that amount for each family member. The cards would then be refilled with $1,000 monthly until one year after the end of the crisis.

This is straight out of the Zimbabwean economic textbook.

Do you know what will happen the day after the mint mints two trillion dollar coins?

Toilet paper goes up to $10 a roll and stays there.  Milk is $15 a gallon instead of $1.5 a gallon, and it will cost $400 to fill up my tank.

Just as Venezuelans how much they love their fourteen-million Bolivar chickens?

Maybe she can look up what happened in Weimar Germany where it was cheaper to light a stove with marks than to buy matches with them.

Also, giving $1,000 per month to illegals with no border security (Tlaib is pro-open borders) would bankrupt America overnight as everyone came to the US for free money.

Lastly, we have Ilhan “it’s all the fault of the JOOOOS” Omar.

Instead of minting two trillion in coins, she wants to pay off just shy of two trillion in debt.

I’m not sure what student loan debt has to do with the Coronavirus but she wants to pay it off.

Then there is the banning of evictions and foreclosures.  For how long?  Just for the month that the government shut down our economy or forever?

What will that do to the housing market?  How many people will just say “fuck it” and not pay the way they did back in 2008 when people found themselves upside down on their mortgages and decided not to pay.

I can’t think of anything that will drag us out of our economic downturn like a housing market crash to dwarf the one twelve years ago.

At this point, all I can assume is that this is malicious.  They have to know that what they want will irrevocably destroy the American economy.


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More journalism stupidity

Just a point of order for the journalists out there who think they are so smart:

There is no such thing as a “global epidemic”

Epi- from the Greek meaning “at.”  Epidemic is a disease outbreak localized to an area.

Pan- from the Greek meaning “all.”  Pandemic is an outbreak everywhere.

A “global epidemic” is an oxymoron, and using it makes a talking head look like a moron.

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Woody Allen: Sex Epidemiologist

Reading J. Kb.s post I started laughing at this:

Have sex with people close to you.

• You are your safest sex partner. Masturbation will not spread COVID-19, especially if you wash your hands (and any sex toys) with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before and after sex

“Don’t knock masturbation. It’s sex with someone you love.”
Woody Allen way back in the 1960s.

But no, it was not Allen’s quote but the 12-year-old in me developed the mental image of somebody going to the urologist:

“Doc, I am worried, there is something wrong with my penis.”
“OK, drop trou…whoa!  Your dick is sneezing.”
“I know! and coughs too!”
“Did you rub one off without washing your hands?”
“Er.. maybe.”
“Well that’s it, you dick has the Chinese Virus.”

Thank you. I’ll be here all week. Try the veal.

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LawDog: Stop panicking over bad data

The data regarding the Wuhan Virus you are currently getting is corrupted. Badly.

It’s corrupted because we had to develop a test for this thing, the numbers of tests are still kind of limited, and because of that we’re only testing sick people. We’re not testing the mild cases that just drive on, and we’re damned well not testing the asymptomatic cases.

It’s also corrupted because — let’s face it: Anybody who trusts any information from the Chinese Government, or any socialist government for that matter, should have their Licence To Adult taken away.

Stop panicking over bad data

When even LawDog is saying to chill the hell out. Go read him.


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This is the worst hashtag I have ever seen

The Left in America absolutely wants to destroy the American economy to get at Trump.

Absolutely.  Without a doubt.

They have the hashtag #NotDying4WallStreet trending.

#NotDying4WallStreet goes viral as progressives accuse Trump of putting corporate profits over public health

They are stating that ending the 15-day quasi-quarantine and getting back to work is going to kill millions of Americans and only benefit Wall Street.

As President Donald Trump and business elites suggest the U.S. public should go back to work in the midst of the worsening coronavirus pandemic, the Twitter hashtag #NotDying4WallStreet went viral late Monday as progressives made clear they are not willing to jeopardize their own or their community’s health to protect corporate profits.

“If we have to rent strike, general strike, whatever has to happen, we will not die for oligarchs’ quarterly profit margin,” tweeted progressive radio host Benjamin Dixon. “This system crashes without our participation. But they cannot force us to participate at the expense of our lives.”

That’s about enough of that.

I’ve been out of work for three-and-a-half months.  Do these people have any idea how hard it is to find a job while the economy is shut down?

I’ve burned through half my savings and am working on maxing out my credit cards.

Do you know what a single $1,200 deposit from the government will do for me after losing a near six-figure engineering job?

Fuck all is the answer.  Fuck all.  That is less than one mortgage payment.

I need a job.  I need companies to kick back on and start hiring again.

This feels like a moment for Federalism to make its way back into popularity.  Maybe New York or Seattle can keep locked down until June, but Madison County has had all of 21 Coronavirus cases.  We’re not exactly a hot spot.

As soon as this lockdown can end the better.

This isn’t a matter of sacrificing lives for Wall Street.  This is a matter of people like me who are out of work being able to go back to work and make an actual income and not just try and eek by on a $1,200 tax refund and $224 a week in unemployment benefits.

These privileged fucks can try and totally obliterate the American economy with Socialist talking points to get Trump because they won’t’ suffer because they are worth millions.

For working Americans who are not bankrolled by political think tanks and media organizations, we’re going to get absolutely screwed if we’re forced to say home until June.



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