Mexican Word of the Day – Beto

As you may very well know by now, the Fake Irish Taco dropped out of the Democratic presidential nomination race. No word yet how much booze he will be able to buy with all the campaign donations he has nor if he will get himself a nice lake house somewhere in the Catskills.

I do believe that single handedly, Beto managed to pump at least another million AR15s into the hands of civilians. We won’t be able to reapay him for his antics.

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Speaking of shooting people with shotguns…

Actual, factual reporter – as in a guy who goes and documents events and reports on them – Andy Ngo has become the enemy of the Leftist domestic terrorist group Antifa for reporting on them honestly.

As opposed to the mendacious, lying, cowardly, partisan assholes on the big news channels that have all proclaimed that Antifa are the moral heirs to the American GI’s that liberated the Camps in Germany.

In a continuing effort to prove to the rest of us just how much Antifa is made up of hoodies filled with human shit, some of them did this to Andy Ngo:

(Right about now Miguel is doing a fist pump for Ngo’s security camera setup)

A group of adults in creepy masks coming to his door feels eerily like the movie The Purge.

Given Ngo’s history of being attacked by Antifa and with their apparently knowing where he lives, I hope for his sake he is armed.

Seeing this on my security camera is right about the time my scatter cannon comes out of the safe and move the family into the master bedroom.

Knowing Portland police, I have a feeling if Mr. Ngo called them to report guys in masks trying to break into his house, they’d mosy on over some time after the next morning’s donut break.

This is why security cameras are important, to know who is at your door without having to breach your own perimeter

Having a face eraser loaded with some 00 is an important backup to your camera.

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Clint Smith and Shotguns

Long time ago I took a 2 day class on shotguns and I have to agree with Clint: You need to be competent with it.  That means pattern the thing first and remember what will it do with that particular shell of that particular brand.  The other thing is to remember to always keep feeding the shotgun every break you have, I don’t care if it is 5 seconds.: Stuff shells in the thing.

My shotgun is for “repeal boarders” duty. Anybody outside and inside the  the immediate perimeter of the house will have a bad day thanks to buckshot.

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The Plastikov 3D Printed AK Receiver.

I see it as “Yes, we can do it” concept than a viable cheap way to build AKs. Anyway, if anything it is reinforcing the idea that “You Can’t Stop he signal, Mal.”  and to try to put the genie back in the bottle is a fool’s errand.

Maybe some 3D printed variation of a Swedish K? That is as simple as it gets.

Hat Tip Eve’s Hubby

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It will kill….and then some.

Quoting from the source:

Dan Keffeler’s winning run at the 2019 BladeSports National Championships. If you’re not familiar with Dan’s work, he also makes some impressive swords and choppers in modern high alloy tool steel.

Damn… that is an impressive blade. Notice it is not pointy which makes it totally cool in the formerly Great Britain.

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Florida: SB 718 & HB 499 “Temporary” confiscation of firearms upon suspicion of Domestic Abuse.

SB 718 and  HB 499 are companion bills. Thy seek to expand the already forbidden Misdemeanor Domestic Violence Conviction with just an arrest and immediately confiscating any weapon on sight or after a consented search.

These are the two idiots behind the bills.


The geniuses thinking they are doing a grand job protecting women from abuse, they manage to leave them in the house unarmed, subject to future attacks.

And welcome to the death of innocent till proven guilty and confiscation without a court order.

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