That post aged poorly

My condolences Miguel.

Earlier today Miguel published a post The difficult thing about Liberty.

It was a very principled post and contained this picture.


Then this happened.


Well then…

Since the Second Amendment isn’t for everyone then fine, commies don’t get gun rights.

That will make it much easier to play commie lawn darts from a helicopter with them.


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“The only one, professional enough…” (FBI Version)

One agent left a highly lethal M4 carbine unsecured in his government car during a Starbucks run and had the weapon stolen, but even he received only a two-week suspension despite violating the bureau’s protocols for weapons storage, the records show.

“Although there was a lockbox in the trunk for storage of weapons and sensitive items,” the agent chose to store the rifle bag behind the car’s front passenger seat, one report shows. “While Employee was in the Starbucks, the Bucar was burglarized. The rear passenger, rear driver, and tailgate windows were broken, and the rifle bag containing the M4 was stolen.”

At least three dozen agents reported guns being lost, stolen or handled unsafely, including one agent who accidentally discharged his weapon and shot a hole through the floor of his hotel room.

FBI Gone Wild: Internal memos chronicle years of drunk driving, lost weapons and other misconduct | Just The News

Add to that Alcohol abuse, Sexual misconduct and an apparent lack of true punishment for the misdeeds and we have us a praetorian Stasi willing to do almost anything for their political masters.

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Words from St. Benitez

I’m reading the transcript of Judge Benitez’s conference meeting with the 2A cases out in California.

He has four 2A cases in front of him right now. He told the state: Put together a spreadsheet like summary of all the laws, regulations, and ordinances that you feel support your case. I want just one for all four cases. You will meet with the plaintiffs to go over those laws and they can object are not.

MR. DILLON(GG): It will just be a straight list of the laws. We will have a chance to review it as Plaintiffs. And like a summary judgment, if we have a contested issue of the summary of the law that they present, we can note that contest in the — you know, a joint document? Is that what you’re —

THE COURT(St. B): Sounds reasonable. Sounds reasonable to me.

MR. DILLON: No problem. Thank you, Your Honor.

MR. KELLY(BG): Your Honor, I think we would object to that as well. I think we would want, if we need to, to introduce experts to interpret some of the laws and the standards —


MR. KELLY: — in the language —


MR. KELLY: — and the statute —

THE COURT: No. Look — no, no.

Mr. Kelly, with all due respect, I don’t need — every one of these experts that you’ve put forth, I have read, just like experts that they have put forth, like Mr. Copill, for example. Your experts — these are people that have, you know, biased points of view. I mean, Mr. Bosey, for example — I hope I’m pronouncing his name. The fellow who worked for —

MR. MOROS: Kimber, Your Honor.

THE COURT: Kimber. Yeah. Who at some point in time had an epiphany and realized that all the work that he’d been doing for all these years, selling these weapons to the public was not good. And now he works — he’s a consultant for Everytown — I’m trying to remember.

Anyway, look. These people’s opinions of what these statutes say, right, means nothing. It means nothing. It’s like, I remember — I think it was Justice Brier in — I think it was Bruen, who talked about, “Well, we need to have this factual record,” and this and that, what have you.

No. 702 says that the admission of expert testimony is help — is possible if, because of the expert’s knowledge, skill, or experience, it will assist the trier of fact. Okay.

But there’s nothing. I mean, I’ve read these declarations. Every one of these folks come in here with a biased — it’s not like they’re really neutral experts, okay, or they’re not experts who’ve come up on these opinions as a result of these cases, okay, doing research for these cases. These are all people that already come with preconceived ideas and opinions, but their opinion is not worth any more than your opinion or her opinion. They’re going to tell me, “Well, in my opinion, if you look at this statute, this statute means that — you know, that the State of Wyoming regulated concealed carry of brass knuckles,” and so I can read that. I can figure that out by myself.

Damn…. This Judge Benitez gets it. He doesn’t need some opinion from an Everytown shill telling him, an actual legal expert, what a statue means.

Just wow.

More later.

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You can always learn a thing or two.

I admit this makes a bit of sense.

The good thing about a closet is it has lots of clothes, blankets, pillows, and other soft objects that can protect you from flying debris. But, it’s also a good idea to have a helmet, like a bicycle helmet stored in your safe place.

What to have in your severe weather preparedness kit (

I do have a plain jane safety helmet from the CERT kit I was given when I took the classes, but I never thought about using it during the actual SHTF event. Truthfully I don’t even know where is it at this moment.

The selections found in Amazon are too wide to even consider here, so you are on your own and budget. My local Home Depot has also a great variety under $20 and some under $10, so we are not talking about an expensive item to get.

The rest of the article goes like this:

Have some drinking water, as well as some snacks on hand in case you are there for a while.

Don’t forget a flashlight with extra batteries. You want to have a call phone charger to charge up your phone. It’s also a good idea to have a portable radio or a NOAA weather radio on hand.

But there’s one thing that most people forget to have in their safe place.

“The CDC says that 48% of Americans don’t have a first aid kit in their home,” said Brad Greer, CEO of DrySee, a company that manufactures first aid supplies. “So, have one or two first aid kits in your home. And have basic items, bandages, antibiotic ointment, alcohol wipes.”

Somehow, I feel most if not all of my readers have a SHTF kit that surpasses these recommendations a hundred-fold. If you have not seen my previous post about the Southcom Hurricane Survival Kit, here is the link: Repost: Southcom Hurricane Survival Kit. (Hurricane Irma Blues) – Gun Free Zone

And one of many posts about First Aid kits. Search other posts at your content: Personal First Aid Kit/Oh Sh**! Pack – Gun Free Zone


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He’s a freaking psycho

This blog (mostly yours truely) has covered the Sam Brinton affair.

The Biden Administration hired for the Senior Executive Service at the Department of Energy a gay, non binary, radical activist, who published more about gay puppy play kink and BDSM anything about nuclear energy.

But he had a degree from MIT which was enough to cover hiring a degenerate diversity hire into a SES position.

He was arrested for stealing luggage and was fired.

The story doesn’t stop there.



This dude is a fucking psychopath who steals women’s clothing to wear.

He’s not satisfied with just buying women’s clothing, he takes it.

I doubt he was lucky enough to just randomly steal a bag from a fashion designer.  My guess is that he stalked her.

This is what the Biden Administration put into Executive Service for diversity points.

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The difficult thing about Liberty pt 2


Remember that in 1978, the Supreme Court decided in National Socialist Party of America v. Village of Skokie that Nazis had the right to march through an American city that had the highest concentration of Holocaust survivors in the country because the First Amendment protected them.

It was a Jewish attorney with the ACLU, David Goldberger, who represented the NSP before the Court.

In a quote often misattributed to Voltaire (it actually comes from his biography as a paraphrasing of his beliefs): “I wholly disapprove of what you say and will defend to the death your right to say it.”

I hate these fucks with every fiber of my being but what they are doing isn’t illegal.

This is also why I support the Second Amendment.  Because the second that they step over the line from being obnoxious assholes with their freedom of speach to actual threats, it’s go time to send Nazis to hell.

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The difficult thing about Liberty

Mike Kupari touches on a sensitive subject: We know we have enemies, and we know some (or a lot) of them would not shed a tear if we were suddenly trucked to some facility to be “re-educated.” Is it smart to give them access to the same tools we use to defend our liberties? Perhaps not, but that is the price we must pay.

However, the price they will pay for abusing those liberties and trying to gain power would be the unholy hell it would be unleashed on them as there would be no “time-out” or acceptance of “Ooops! We were wrong, can we all just get along?”

The playing would be for a full win and your side will not have a physical space in anymore anywhere.

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