Friday Feedback

I’m still working on my photography. There is a huge learning curve moving from film to digital.

For a number of years I used a Nikon Coolpix 900 which I got from my mentor’s estate after he was killed. It produced JPG images.

When that died I stopped taking pictures because it was too expensive to do film and to expensive to buy an DSLR.

I now have a Nikon D4. It is a generation or more back but it is a camera I could afford. I just had to put that .50 cal bolt action on the back burner for a bit.

One of the things I had to learn is that RAW means RAW. The images that you normally get out of your phone camera or consumer grade cameras is processed by the camera into a JPG image. The processing done on the RAW image before turning it into a JPG is extensive.

When you work with raw files you get the image exactly as the sensor captured it. Your software needs to apply the correct processes to turn that into something that you are willing to look at.

In the Windows/Mac world the software that does that is Lighttable. I’m a Unix/Linux guy, so I use Darktable It does much if not all of what Lighttable does, but it is free.

So I apologize if my images are not right. I’m still learning the processing sequence and camera settings. I’m relearning lighting procedures. And I’m having to relearn post processing.

Let me know if you’d like more gun pictures. I do intend to do some more of that Model ’94 and its older brother.

Thursday’s post was a little weak. When I said “I’ve had to listen to people lie and miss represent gun rights” and was tired of it. I wasn’t talking about social media or the mainstream media. No, I was talking about reading briefings in court cases by infringement loving AGs in different states.

Friday has a LONG post coming out about an hour after this post regarding a local case out of Oregon. It is important because it again shows wins in the lower courts and losses at the higher levels.

This particular case was brought to our attention by B.Zh. I think I spent about 6 hours total reading and skimming filings.

Did you know that it costs $54/month to get access to Oregon state court filings? There is a free version but it only had the final opinion of the court. The cache of documents I did find was from Everytown. I downloaded and posted them here so we don’t have to give their website any more visits.

Finally, Hagar has agreed to an “Ask me anything”. Start collecting your questions. There will be a post early next week with open comments so that you can ask Hagar anything you want.

Be polite in your questions and we reserve the right to K/O any question for any reason.

Hope you all are looking forward to it as much as I am.

Let the commenting/roasting begin, thank you to all our fine readers.

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What makes people like this?

Last month I covered how human colostomy bag Gersh Kuntzman was very proud of himself for going around New York City making sure people’s cars were ticketed by automated traffic enforcement cameras.

There is nothing more oppressive tyrannical than automated traffic enforcement.

A system of cameras and computers that read your plate and send you a fine.

The enforcement of the law should be a human endeavor.  Having that automated is a ruthlessly tyrannical way of using the law as a means of revenue generation.

So one must wonder what sort of person willingly makes it easier for automated traffic cameras to record and fine people, when it is not their job and they receive no compensation for it?

As it turns out, there is a militia of Kuntz men out there doing this.



Yglesias actually defends automated traffic enforcement.


Remember how in the Wake of the George Floyd riots, Leftists told us that we should NEVER call the cops on POC, regardless of what they are doing?

They told us we should allow shoplifters to take whatever they want because insurance will cover it.

They demanded that we defund the police.

But give them the ability to rat out a car to an automated traffic system so someone gets find and their erection lasts for more than four hours.

I have noticed that all of these people have general car hatred in their time lines.  Especially towards big trucks, which they want to ban, and sports cars and SUVs which they insult the owners of.

In The Last Of Us, collaborators with FEDRA were shot.

In Belgium, women who slept with Naziz were dragged into the streets, stripped naked, had their heads shaved, were beaten, covered with animal shit, and thrown out of town.

Everyone hates a collaborator.

These people aren’t even getting paid, they are doing it for the pleasure.

I really hope they rat out the car if some hard core pipe hitting thug.

Then we’ll never have to see one of their bullshit OpEds ever again either.


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Turkey and Syria were hit with a massive earthquake on Feb. 7th. There’s a lot of coverage about it. If you’d like to see pics of the devastation you can look here. It’s not pretty. There is drone footage here, as well. You can also read a bit about the where and why of it here.

Yes, we can blame shoddy building for some of the damage. There’s the usual groups talking about how people are stupid for living on fault lines. Their president is being told he could have prevented it (sort of like Bush was supposed to prevent the levees breaking in New Orleans after Katherine?). There’s a small amount of merit in all of these statements, but not a lot.

The bottom line is that you cannot really prepare for this kind of destruction. Yes, it happens. Yes, it happens more often when you live on a fault line. But this is the largest quake in decades. It’s just not something you can plan for. In a world that’s rapidly becoming overpopulated, we can’t simply seal off huge tracts of land because “something bad MIGHT happen.”

Some of you reading this probably live in Tornado Alley. Some may live on fault lines. Others live near nuclear reactors. And so forth, and so on. There’s only so much you can prepare for, and only so much you can avoid. Humans aren’t meant to live in bubble wrap, after all.

But how can we prepare for survival? And what should we prepare FOR? That’s the question that you have to answer for yourself.

Me, I live in New England, on top of a hill, near a number of clean bodies of water. I don’t need to worry about floods, because by the time flood water gets high enough to affect my ho use, there will be too many other problems to worry about. I don’t have to worry about running out of water to drink and clean with. I do have to worry about cleaning that water, though, because if disaster happens, I can’t be certain that the water will remain clean and potable either due to the disaster itself or other people being idjits.

I am not near a major city, so it’s likely that if disaster does hit, it’ll be weather related. The most usual types of issues in my area are loss of power, loss of running water, and lack of food. I determined this over the past ten years, observing what happens in my area, as well as researching what’s happened here historically over the past 200 years.

I know how to cook without power. I do so on a pretty regular basis, actually. I have a nice fire pit that I use for fun. Still, cooking over an open fire is not a great way to do daily cooking. In an emergency that lasts more than a few days, an open fire pit will be detrimental to my own safety. For that reason, I’m working on plans for an outdoor kitchen behind the house, where it’s private and no one can see. I’ll be putting in a small wood burning stove of some type (likely cement with metal parts) that works like a rocket stove. I’m hoping to build a cobb oven in which I can bake breads and other foods.

My home is full of oil lanterns, solar lanterns, and stores of candles. Seeing what I’m doing in the dark is not going to be an issue. I have the means to carry water from nearby places to my home, and methods to use to clean that water so it’s safe to drink under most circumstances. I know how to grow a garden, hunt, and raise and butcher animals for food.

Whether the disaster that hits my area is ecological, weather-related, or political doesn’t matter. I have my plans, and all of them are tested. When the power goes out, it’s no big deal. I’ve gotten the kids to the point where power loss equals fun stuff, because we pull out the popcorn and make special foods, and we spend time around the wood stove in the living room reading and playing games. No panic, just preparation and readiness.

I can’t tell you how to prepare. Everyone is different. I look at the disaster in Turkey and I find myself in tears. But I know I would never live in a high rise apartment, even one that was supposedly earthquake proof. I’ve seen too many buildings go down like jenga blocks in the past 25 years. That’s MY choice. Other people make their own choices.

I would say that if you have to live in an apartment or multi level condo of some kind, make sure you have preps elsewhere. If your building is burning because someone played a stupid game and won stupid prizes, you may not have access to go back and get your preps. If you are facing a social uprising, you may want to get out of Dodge rapidly, and having 2000 lbs of goods isn’t going to be the least bit helpful. If you are running because of flooding, mudslide, or earthquake, there may be no time to load up with your preparations. Always have your eggs in more than one basket.

Even I do this, and I’m personally in a “best case” situation with my preps. I have most of my preparations “in big”… food, water, filters, weapons, ammo, etc. all stored neatly and out of the way. I cycle through some stuff (food, ammo) and leave the rest for long term storage. But I also have car kits for every car we own. Mini versions with food, shelter, first aid, water, and information. Why? Because we might be away from home when disaster strikes. We may be caught up in something. We may need to flee. We may need to hide temporarily, for a longer or shorter time. And for those reasons, I have caches of all those things, too. In several places. Because I cannot know what MIGHT happen, some random day between tomorrow and forever.

Beyond all of that, however, the single most important prep you can have? Skill sets. Learn to do for yourself. Think about what might happen, from most likely to least likely, and prep for what you can. Practice it. Turn off the power at the main breaker at odd moments and force the family to practice rusty skills. Learn how to cook over a fire. Know what foods you can eat from your local tract of land. Understand how to filter water. Practice making a fire (because if you lose your Bic, then what??). On and on. Continue to acquire skills until you literally cannot anymore (ie you’re dead).

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.

-Robert A. Heinlein

I am DAMN proud that I can do most of those things. I’ve never had the opportunity to conn a ship, and solving equations is probably my weakest point. And I’ve never died gallantly, and hope to avoid it for some time to come. But I’ve done all the rest. What can you do?


Heuristic Hagar

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Sticks and stones will break their bones because their words are doing damage

Replace female with ‘egg-producing’ and avoid using the term ‘fitness’, woke scientists say in push to get rid of ‘harmful’ phrases

Woke scientists have called for the terms male and female to be replaced as part of a crackdown on ‘harmful terminology’ in science.

Instead, ‘sperm-producing’ and ‘egg-producing’ or ‘XY/XX individual’ should be used to avoid reinforcing ‘societally-imposed ideas of a sex binary’, researchers suggest.

Even the terms mother, father and fitness are in the firing line.

Some members of the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB) Language Project, founded by scientists in the US and Canada, wrote that ‘much of western science is rooted in colonialism, white supremacy and patriarchy’ which ‘continue to permeate our scientific culture’.

To ‘address this history’, ‘harmful’ scientific terms should be identified and revised to ‘foster inclusion’, they argued.

This was Winston Smith’s job in the Ministry of Truth.  To re-define every word to crush the ability for people to think.

Male and female are not offensive terms.

This is not inclusive language.

This is a tiny fraction of people who want to controll other by using the insanity of an even small fraction of people as cover.

“Don’t say female because some sex offender who dresses like a woman will get angry that you don’t think he’s a woman.”

No.  This language is utterly dehumanizing.

I’m reaching my breaking point on this.

It’s not enough to not obey these people.

These people need to have their living guts stomped out.

If some doctor stands up at a conference of obstetricians and says “we can no longer say ‘breastfeeding mother’, we have to say ‘chest feeding egg producer'”, I want every other person in the room to rise up and lynch that person.

It’s not about being inclusive, it’s about flexing power.  It’s time for us to flex our power back.

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And suddenly he identifies as male.

Woodlands resident Romy McCloskey, a renowned couture costume designer who runs Faden Design Studios, designed and created a dress for Oscar guest Sam Brinton, who is head of Advocacy and Government Affairs for The Trevor Project, an American non-profit organization founded in 1998. Brinton is shown here on the Red Carpet at the Academy Awards.

He was the darling of the Sexual Weirdo Movement till he got caught on video stealing luggage from a couple of airports (which somebody said may explain the discombobulated way he dresses, even for a Trans.)

But at his court appearance, suddenly he was male, no extravagant make-up, no dresses, not even high heel shoes.

My guess his lawyer(s) told him to quit the drag shit and appear in court dressed like a normal human male of the species or approximately facsimile so not to piss off the judge. He will be given a slap on the wrist and avoid any jail time altogether because he is a “first time offender” and the fact that 2 hours after he is in jail, there would be a porn channel of him being everybody’s bitch at the Gery Bar Bordello.

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Another reason not to Visit Nashville: Yes, they are that stupid.

At least I already had my first cup of coffee before reading this:

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) – A strategy used to fight violent crime in cities like Detroit and Chicago will be implemented in Nashville, city leaders said Wednesday.

A strategy used to fight violent crime in Detroit will be implemented in Nashville, city leaders said Wednesday.

Group Violence Intervention (GVI) has been implemented in cities across the country by the National Network for Safe Communities at John Jay College in New York. It encourages police, non-profits, and social services to work together to target a small percentage of the population that are responsible for around half of the homicides.

Nashville taking on new strategy to fight violent crime (

It has worked wonders in Chicago recently, right?

And Detroit, by its own local newsrag continues to be among the most violent cities in the US. And the jackasses in Nashville City Council want to duplicate the same “success” from those two cities? Are they insane? No, they are Democrats, but I repeat myself.

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Winchester Model ’94 and filler

It has been a freaking long day. This yesterday’s post took a bit out of me. Lots of reading things that made me angry and “wtf? Can’t you read simple English?” and “If your cause is so just, why do you have to lie?”

The Third Circuit court heard oral arguments today regarding §922(g) in regards to a non-violent felon. I’ll try and find the transcripts in a couple of days when it is posted.

In the meantime, I don’t want to write so I leave you with some pictures of a Winchester model ’94. I’ll be taking more pictures later.

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