School fight TBI caught on video


That is not funny.

That is a text book TBI.

Decorticate posture

Decorticate posture is an abnormal posturing in which a person is stiff with bent arms, clenched fists, and legs held out straight. The arms are bent in toward the body and the wrists and fingers are bent and held on the chest.

This type of posturing is a sign of severe damage in the brain. People who have this condition should get medical attention right away.

Decorticate posture is a sign of damage to the nerve pathway in the midbrain, which is between the brain and spinal cord. The midbrain controls motor movement. Although decorticate posture is serious, it is usually not as serious as a type of abnormal posture called decerebrate posture.

The posturing may occur on one or both sides of the body.

That is exactly what you are seeing.

That was a school bathroom fight and that boy had his brain damaged when it struck the wall or floor (hard to tell).

Fights are serious business, do not get into them.

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The lawfare against Kyle Rittenhouse begins

Lawsuit can proceed against Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse

A federal judge in Wisconsin ruled Wednesday that a wrongful death lawsuit filed by the father of a man shot and killed by Kyle Rittenhouse during a protest in 2020 can proceed against Rittenhouse, police officers and others.

The father of Anthony Huber, one of two men shot and killed by Rittenhouse, filed the lawsuit in 2021, accusing officers of allowing for a dangerous situation that violated his son’s constitutional rights and resulted in his death. Anthony Huber’s father, John Huber, also alleged that Rittenhouse, who was 17 at the time of the shootings, conspired with law enforcement to cause harm to protestors. John Huber is seeking unspecified damages from city officials, officers and Rittenhouse.

U.S. District Judge Lynn Adelman on Wednesday dismissed motions filed by Rittenhouse and the government defendants seeking to dismiss the civil rights lawsuit.

So Rittenhouse conspired with the police to get Huber, a wife beater, to attack Rittenhouse from behind with a skateboard so that Rittenhouse could shoot him?

That’s some fucking bullshit.

Bit Adelman is a ridiculously Leftist judge, who was centured for being a Leftist politician at the bench.

The point of this isn’t to seek justice, it is to use the civil legal system to hurt Rittenhouse by trapping him in legal proceedings intended to financially destroy him.

The process is the punishment and this judge will allow the process to do that.

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Friday Feedback

Last week we asked if anybody wanted a photo heavy article on a couple of different lever actions.

You asked and I’m going to provide. First up is the Winchester ’94. We’ll be showing the differences between pre and post ’64 models.

For those that don’t know, In 1964 Winchester changed the design of the ’94. It went to a lower cost methodology. I don’t know all the ins and outs (yet) but the one that bit me is the “elevator” or “lifter”. This is the part of a lever action rifle that lifts the cartridge from the magazine tube level up to the chamber level and lets the round be chambered.

On the post ’64 model this is made from stamped sheet metal. On the pre ’64 model, it is a machined part. I’ve had zero issues with my pre ’64 Winchester ’94s. My one post ’64 gave me lots of feed issues. I believe I’ve Bubba’d that lifter back into spec. as it seems to be working.

The R92 will likely come third. I have a Marlin 3082 (Model 30 with fancies) and a Marlin 1894. Since somebody asked about the 1894, it is likely that I’ll do that.

It seems that Hagar stirred the pot but good. Last I looked there were over 25 comments on her article. She’s started her next article. I think you all will like it.

The most interesting thing I’ve read or heard regarding the Stabilizing Brace final rule put out by the ATF is the lawsuits filed. Many are being filed in Texas which is part of the fifth circuit court. A decidedly level headed circuit court, likely to follow Bruen

I’ll be keeping an eye on that case.

More stuff is happening with O.F.F. over in Oregon. Measure 114 is being challenged and of course the media is miss representing the cases. We might get an update done soon.

The CCIA in New York State has an injunction against it which is currently held by the second circuit court. There will be a hearing on the appeal in March. We are waiting for the court to release their reasoning for their stay as “suggested” by the Supreme Court.

The state of New Jersey created the “Kill Carry” bill. The first district court to hear the case issued a injunctions against the law when it showed up in her court. The state went judge shopping. Got their case in front of a different judge. This judge then passed the case to the original judge with a comment of the yeah, what she said.

State of Gun Free Zone.

When we went to “pay to comment” we lost a few readers. The numbers are going back up.

Let us know down below how we can make GFZ better for you. In the meantime, keep up the good fight

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Law Enforcement needs to be made liable for things like this

Huntsville family facing eviction after FBI raid

A Huntsville family has less than 20 days to find a new home after their home was raided.

Travolta Garritt said his family was awakened to loud door knocks at midnight on January 24. Exclusive Ring camera footage showed officers moving in and banging down the door at Westlake Apartments, breaking the porch light, and then destroying the doorbell camera immediately ending the recording.

According to the family, a search warrant was received two hours into the raid stating police had probable cause to search the home. Officers with the Huntsville Police Department were there assisting the FBI Taskforce in locating 55-year-old Lawrence Jones. Jones was arrested in connection to four Regions Bank robberies in Madison and Huntsville.

Jones’ ex-girlfriend lives in the home but the family said they are not together and had no knowledge of the robberies. Jones was not inside during the time of the home.

Family members said they were handed a 30-day eviction notice the day after the raid, claiming Jones was arrested at the residence.

“We got less than 20 days to find somewhere to stay for something we didn’t do,” said Sarika Eason, who lives inside the home.

WAFF 48 spoke to attorney Russell Crumbley who is not involved in the case. He said officers need to have thorough evidence before entering a home.

“They have to be particular about this place to be searched. They can’t just say they believe there’s going to be illegal stuff,” said Crumbley.

So the police destroyed a woman’s rental home during a raid, based on a search warrant obtained with shitty FBI information, and lied about the suspect being at the residence, causing this woman to be evicted.

When you’re evicted for breaking the terms of a lease with criminal activity, it’s almost impossible to get a new lease.  That comes up in a background check.

So the police fucked this woman over hard.

The police should be held liable for shit like this.

If the police conduct a raid, unless they arrest the suspect that location and obtain a conviction, any property damage done during a raid needs to be fixed by the police and any material harm done to the tenant or property owner needs to be made right.

Watch the overuse of raids fall off a cliff if that happens.

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Feeling Safe…

B.L.U.F. Train of thought comes off the rails in regards to “don’t call people names”

Having read “But HE said it first!” I had a long hard think on it. I do not like the way Hagar said some of the things she said but I do understand where she is coming from.

For years I was told to take the high road. If they go low, we side step and take the high road. Over the years this came to mean getting kicked in the balls over and over again. Playing by the rules when they were cheating just didn’t work.

One time I treated a useful idiot who wanted “common sense gun control” after Sandy Hook exactly as she treated me. I said she wanted to kill children because she would let teachers carry in schools. I was told to back off. That I made her feel bad. That everybody knew she didn’t want to kill children. She had devoted her life to children.

This is the problem. We aren’t allowed to strike back.

Earlier J.Kb. posted Female privilege won her a stupid prize. In the video a young woman is attacking a larger male. She is swatting at him. Hitting at him. It seems pretty obvious that she wanted to lay hands on him.

He attempted desculation. He backed away. He tried using his voice to get her to stop.

She finally connected. He responded, picked her up and tossed her on the ground.

She got up, and started back at him and he just shoved her backwards and moved forward in an ok fighters pose. His fist were clenched.

Then, and only then did the people around step in.

You aren’t allowed to strike back. If you do, you are the bad one.

If you take it day after day, week after week and finally snap and strike back, verbally or physically, you are the evil one. You are the bad one. You should have just sucked it up.

The left learned that no matter what they said, nobody would do to them what they did to us.

Look at January 6th. For a year we had watched the riots around the country. Week after week we saw the left attacking federal buildings, marching in “black blocks”, attacking anybody that stood up to them.

We cheered on those few occasions when the leftist thugs ran into somebody that was willing to fight back. When people fought back they won.

The media painted those that stood up for themselves as extremist. Right wing extremist. The slapped a label on us and started the name calling. It was generic name calling. It worked.

When “Patriot Prayer” had a permitted event out there in leftist land, the cops showed up. They didn’t let anybody into the event space with anything remotely like a weapon. The leftist thugs gathered outside the police lines. Fully armed. When the thugs attacked the police retrieved.

The people at the event were attacked and were unarmed, until they took the weapons from the thugs attacking them.

Over the last 5 years we have all learned to fight back. Most of us do it verbally. We do it in our articles here at GunFreeZone. We do it in our interactions with others.

This is a safe place, for us. When I write something here, I hope people will read and learn. I hope that some times our articles make it out into the wild and it brings in a few more readers.

But this is my safe space.

As a representative of Miguel’s creation, I attempt to keep the name calling to a minimum.

If Hagar doesn’t feel “safe” is that because she isn’t safe? I don’t think so. I think it is because she equates the nasty name calling that happens to her to be extend here.

Bluntly, if somebody was to start calling any of our writers or commenters derogatory names, they would lose the privilege of posting.

If you want to say that my opinion is moronic, go for it. If you want to debate with me, I’ll have that debate.

I’ve taken more than a couple of comments from our readers and responded with full articles. Because they had a point.

Having babbled for to long, I’ll leave you with this:

Try not to call individuals derogatory names. There is enough stupid stuff our enemies do that you can point it out all you want.

Is this a rule? Nope. You get to say what you want within the rule posted. “Don’t be a dick”

Thank you for being with us.

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The one where Biden gets re-elected.

The scenario is getting close to reality and unfortunately not because anything the Democrats are doing.

This is pure Senator John McCain. All bluster and attacks to their party members and doing the work of the Democrats.

If Trump thinks he has Florida secured; he does not. And a lot of Floridians like me and J. Kb. moved to other states but have Florida in our thoughts and will have no issues telling our neighbors why we won’t be voting. It may be contagious, who knows?

Trump and his fanatical branchers are behaving like Yankee carpetbaggers telling them dumb Floridians they are better than us.

And that would be the worse decision by a business mogul since the Shark Tank dismissed Ring doorbell camera.


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