Robbery victim wants to thank Good Samaritans who came to his rescue.

“I don’t believe in guns,” said Dorsey. “I don’t own a gun. I’m totally at the mercy of my saviors. They obviously sent two angels to help me. These people protected me when I couldn’t protect myself.”

via Robbery victim wants to thank Good Samaritans who came to his rescue | Houston.

OK, so now get a clue and take steps to protect yourself. The Blanche DuBuois School of Life is not the way to go.

And as for the cherry on top:

After the robber had been shot, police say he jumped over a fence and was attacked by a German Shepherd. That attack prevented him from getting away.

In my book, the doggie gets a big juicy steak and whatever female poodle is available in the neighborhood.

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Ruger making it easy to contact your elected officials.

Ruger has set up a page where with one pass, you send the President, Vice-President, your Senators, Representative, Governor, Lieutenant Governor, State-Level Elected Officials and State Attorney General a nice little and polite reminder that you will be displeased with new gun control measures.

Take advantage and send them ANOTHER memo.

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Pocket Carry under stress.

Check the video of this armed robbery to a cell phone store at 00:40. Chubby BG goes for his pocketed gun and takes him forever (5 seconds). Of course unarmed employee can’t do anything but retreat.

Five second is a looong time in a shooting situation. I favor carrying on a holster because your time to reach the gun and respond is much shorter. This video shows a new shooter at an IDPA match and you can tell he does not have a lot of experience but still managed to draw and shoot in about 2.5 seconds.

So, if you Pocket Carry do take in consideration that nasty time lag you will be facing and train accordingly.

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Supreme Swines Win! : David Gregory gets off scot free

Irvin Nathan, the attorney general for the District of Columbia, announced Friday that he will not press charges against NBC News’ David Gregory nor any employee of the broadcast network for violating the city’s gun laws. Violation of the city’s firearms laws carry a maximum $1,000 fine and one year in jail.

via MILLER: David Gregory gets off scot free – Washington Times.

It is not like we did not see that one coming. But you and me, normal people are the ones with the problem. Now, do not expect this to be covered in the Mainstream Media, go ahead and pass along Emily Miller’s article to all your friends and contacts. Let them know how full of hog manure those demanding a ban on “High Capacity” magazines really are.


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