The Josh Horwitz Insurrectionist Library: CIVIL DISTURBANCE OPERATIONS

CIVIL DISTURBANCE OPERATIONS: Because according to CSGV we are disturbed.

Click to access fm3-19-15.pdf


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Feinstein wants more ‘gun control’ to make dictatorships like us better – St. Louis gun rights |

But Ms. Feinstein is arguing that her bill will do more than just prevent future gun deaths. She and others believe that lax firearms control has harmed the reputation of the U.S. among its international peers, many of which impose much harsher limits on who can own guns and what types are sold.

via Feinstein wants more ‘gun control’ to make dictatorships like us better – St. Louis gun rights |

In 5 years time, Victoria’s Secret will come up with its new Burka line if we keep trying to be “friends” with every tip pot dictatorship and messed up country out there.

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Not CSGV-Approved Insurrectionists

The privileged daughter of a prominent city doctor, and her boyfriend — a Harvard grad and Occupy Wall Street activist — have been busted for allegedly having a cache of weapons and a bombmaking explosive in their Greenwich Village apartment.

via Woman of privilege and beau charged with having bomb material in Greenwich Village apartment –


I wonder if Josh Horwitz will accuse them of being “Insurrectionists.”

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