Gun Control for Dolphins now!

“The killer-dolphins will be trained to attack enemy combat swimmers using special knives or pistols fixed to their heads, the source said,” according to RIA Novost

via Ukraine to use ‘killer-dolphins’ with pistols on heads to protect waters |

Imagine uncontrolled dolphins packing guns and robbing 7-11’s, liquor stores and bait shops. We cannot have that! Join the Coalition to Stop Dolphin Violence. Flipper must remain unarmed!


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CSGV: Love the contradictions.

I found this jewel in the CSGV’s Twitter photo gallery.

So Catherine is willing to take up arms (and I imagine one of the awful assault weapons because she is going in the military) because she feels threatened? Bit of a contradiction there. Shouldn’t she declare all space in a one mile radius of her person a Gun Free Zone? It works wonders, you know?

Laddites, you gotta love them.


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