This is getting way too creepy.

For a President that “forgets” to place his hand over his heart while the National Anthem was being played…

It gives me the downright chills when I saw this ad being paraded around in Facebook:

But like in any good infomercial, that is not all. You may remember that earlier this year, the Lake County (FL) Democratic Party headquarters was flying an Obama flag at its headquarters which got shut down by Veterans and exposure in Fox News:

We now have the new and improved Obama Hipster Flag.
And the cherry on top award today goes to (drum roll please):

This long past political preferences, this is has become a cult to a personality. For those of my generation, it brings back the images of Mao, Stalin, Chavez, et all.

Mao’s Little Red Book

Sad to say but all of the sudden I feel we are reprising the Cold War, only this time Checkpoint Charlie is at your local DNC headquarters and the enemies of Freedom carry the same passport I do.

PS: Drinking the Kool-Aid nowadays is a tongue-in-cheek expression to denote fanatical behavior. I shall remind you that the original serving of that Cult Of Personality flavored Kool-Aid was not very tasty.

Caveat Civis.

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HuffPo Pictorial Fail

From a pictorial in an article by the HuffPo about ranges selling alcohol. That poor defaced AK was taken from a Mexican Drug Lord by Mexican Military in 2009. The AK in question is a full auto version that was not affected by the Clinton AWB since it only covered semi autos with ugly features. But since lately we had certain convention displaying Russian Ships and Turkish planes as US hardware, you can expect that accuracy or even truthfulness is not required by some people.


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CSGV: The Second Amendment Legitimizes Violence

Click here if you want to download Heller and Insurrectionism.

For a while now CSGV, Ladd & Josh have been beating on the insurrectionist drum. My guess is that they want gun owners to either cower or have the ultimate goal of having us declared enemy combatants or traitors to have our rights removed under the assumption that we are a wild and violent bunch.

They also state that they hold the high moral ground because they are seeking “peace” and a resolution to “gun violence” through legal means.  Of course they do not state that just because there is a law about it means that it is the right thing. They have admitted that mass imprisonment of people is right if there is a law for it, as if no laws have ever been passed that go against the basic fabric of decency and humanity. But as long as it is “legal” they are OK with it.

CSGV is also no stranger to historical revisionism or in plain English, outright lie about history. They still insist that Stand Your Ground was a recent creation of the NRA even though there are 2 SCOTUS decisions about it, one over 100 years old.

Here is the funny part: It has been our side that has eschewed violence for political gain. Not 20 years ago, you could be pulled over by police for sporting an NRA sticker on your car because it indicated you might be carrying a weapon illegally. BATF would conduct raids that left people killed, made mothers miscarriage or simply stomp pets for the fun of it and not pay for it…and I am not even bringing Ruby Ridge or Waco into the mix. Imagine having to hide  your support for the Second Amendment because the media was only too obliging to place the blame on the The Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building Bombing directly on gun owners.

If we were a truly violent bunch, we would have gotten tired of the persecution and start picking on anti-gun idiots from a couple of hundred yards. Instead, we went with the “peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances” and won, both in the courts and with the public. We followed the rules and played to win. We did not need to cheat or lie, we just worked harder & longer than anybody else and it paid off. They hate that. They hate us for that.

Still they will continue to have us pegged as crazy and ready for the revolution. My only hope is that they never take things (with an accomplice Government) to the point where our lives are at stake as for whatever happens next will be on their heads.

Coimhéad fearg fhear na foighde.
(Beware of the anger of a patient man)

And God Knows we are patient.

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It doesn’t pay to rob a gunshop.

“My guy goes up to collect from him and he shoots my guy twice – bang, bang – and my guy immediately killed him,” said Davis.

via Two shot at Don’s Guns; one dead – 13 WTHR Indianapolis.

Dumb Criminals: They will either get the message or get eradicated.

Prayers for the gun shop employee who was wounded in the exchange but did a great behavioral modification program on the idiot..

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Florida’s ‘Stand Your Ground’ Law Likely To Remain : NPR

The writing in the wall is becoming clearer. Nobody but a few prosecutors, judges and anti gun activists wanted it gone. A great majority of Floridians did not want this law to be stricken from the books.

“If we have to look at two possible outcomes — one being a citizen, an honest citizen who is wounded, hurt, maimed or raped, and a dead thug, I’ll take the dead thug anytime,” Seiden said.

This week, University of Florida researchers delivered the preliminary results of a study examining Stand Your Ground. The study found that since 2005, when the law was adopted, the number of justifiable homicides has climbed, violent crime rates have declined and tourism has risen in Florida.

via Florida’s ‘Stand Your Ground’ Law Likely To Remain : NPR.

GSGV is NOT happy. I really do not care.

If there is one particular reason why this attempt to insert gun control in Florida failed (beside the facts that we like our Gun Laws) was attaching it to the Martin/Zimmerman case. Once the people found out that most of the original information coming out of the case was being edited for political correctness or outright lied about it, the tide turned on both Zimmerman’s perception of culpability and the desire to get rid of SYG. We go back to why do they need to lie if their cause is just and righteous with the answer being it is neither. They cannot win converts by telling the truth and admitting that guns in the hands of honest people will save lives. They much rather lie and kill us than accepting their failure.

Just remember, they will try again and again until they finally disappear or go into hibernation.

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