Just give Australians back their guns

This story hits different.

Aus man jailed for raping masked intruder in home

Klay Holland, 32, faced the Supreme Court of Victoria on Tuesday when he was sentenced to eight years’ imprisonment, with a non-parole period of four years and 10 months.

Holland’s victim, Shane Cox, had broken into a unit in Melton in Melbourne’s west in March 2021 armed with a knife and wearing a mask.

Cox, 36, who was high on methylamphetamine, was overpowered by Holland who was a guest at the home.

Cox was beaten with a baseball bat and was incapacitated on the floor, where Holland then raped him.

His body was found at the scene under a pile of blankets a day later by police, who arrived at the property on an unrelated matter.

He was hogtied, his mouth was duct taped and his pants were pulled down to his upper thighs.

Justice Christopher Beale described Holland’s offending as premeditated and particularly humiliating.

That’s…. uh….

That’s a little hard core.

You know what, just give the Aussies back their guns and let them defend their homes like normal people.

Also, I couldn’t help myself.

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Friday Feedback

On my, it is finally Friday. Two hours of teaching classes, then a bit of driving.

At least I’ll be driving my truck, not my wife’s car, and it isn’t a long drive. Last week was 36 hours of driving in four 9-hour days. This is just a short drive to Mordor.

There are many 2A cases petitioning for a writ of certiorari before the Supreme Court.

They were distributed for Conference. That conference happens on the 16th of may.

This is a big deal. The steps to get to this stage are long and convoluted. As an example, one of the cases seeking cert was filed on December 1, 2020. It was decided in favor of the state on March 4, 2021. It was appealed to the Fourth Circuit court, where oral arguments were never even scheduled. The court issued their opinion on September 17th, 2021 in favor of the state. It was then appealed to the Supreme Court. There it sat until August 1st when the Supreme Court granted certiorari, vacated the Fourth Circuit’s opinion and remanded it for further consideration in light of Bruen

That was nearly 2 years ago. Since that time, that case has been heard by a 3 judge merits panel for the Fourth. The merits panel never issued their opinion. Instead, the en banc court took the case and oral arguments before the entire Fourth Circuit court on March 20th, 2024.

This case, even before oral arguments were heard before the Fourth had already petitioned the Supreme Court for cert.

The week following the 16th, we will see some action on these 2A cases. There are only a few options, 3 I’m sure of and 1 I am not. 1) They can deny cert. Those cases in interlocutory state will continue litigation, with the Supreme Court hearing the case in a few years’ time. 2) They can grant cert. The case will be heard by the Supreme Court. I do not know whether it will be heard this term or next. Regardless, less than a year for the Supreme Court to issue their opinion. 3) They can leave the case in limbo, redistributing for Conference as they want. At some point, this will devolve into state 1 or 2.

Option 4 is that they can grant certiorari and then immediately issue an order. A “Grant, Vacate, and Remand.” order. I don’t know if this has ever happened. If it does happen, it will be a slap in the face to the state. (The SCOTUS would just deny cert if they would decide in favor of the People.)

The comments are open. You poor readers will have to hear about cutting gears next week, if I can locate my dividing head. Somewhere in this house is a 50 pound 10x10x17 cardboard box with a never opened dividing head.

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The tough warriors of the Revolution Du Jour.

I couldn’t even laugh at this, only shake my head in disbelief.

The food items are illuminating. Oh yes, BAGELS ARE RACIST! BAGELS MURDER PALESTINIAN BABIES!

If I can defeat your “soldiers” with items I can get in a short trip to WalMart, you won’t stand 5 seconds when the real shit hits the fan.

PS: I just had to do this.


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Cast Iron/Dura-Bar speeds, feeds and OUCH!

Machining is the process of removing material to revile the part that was living inside the raw material.

We use two different forms of material, cast/forge and “stock”. A cast item is an item that is formed to a particular shape that is further refined by the machining process. Stock is a standard shape that we then refine by the machining process.

Consider attempting to make an engine. The engine has many features within that have to be precisely machined, it also has many parts where “close counts” and other areas where it doesn’t matter at all. Plus, there are many voids. Places with no material.

Anything place that is void must have material removed. When machining an 80% lower, you must first drill some holes in the correct locations, then you have to remove all the material in the fire control pocket. As a forging, that pocket is filled with material that must be removed.

If it was a casting, then the rough outline of that pocket would be there. You would then use machining to remove the remainder to bring the pocket to dimension.

Same with an engine, same with many things. There are voids where we do not want any material. Using a casting allows for complex shapes and pre-placed voids.

So I’m going to talk about a chuck back.
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Four legged urban predators

This happened in Philadelphia.

Just because you are far from the wilderness doesn’t mean you can’t be attacked by dangerous animals.

Be prepared to defend yourself from both two and four legged predators in an urban environment.

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Nashville should be fun today.

The bitch is I do a lot of work nearby. But they are scheduling for 5:30 pm which means any real consequences will be tomorrow if they decide to try an encampment.

Nasville being controlled by Liberals will surely do shit and the tourism industry will take a hit.

If I see anything, I will let you guys know, but the hell if you think I am going to get my ass in the middle of that clusterfuck without the proper weaponry.

PS: Of course it had to be today. It is May Day!


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