The long collective memory of Miami. Lessons learned.

Some days ago, the missus and I watched A Refuge of Last Resort (2019) about surviving the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans which was recommended by somebody online. In the documentary, some people talk about Hurricane Betsy (1965) and those who remembered what had happened were either prepared or left the town altogether. What was clear was that neither the majority of people nor the governments till Katrina did squat to prepare for another catastrophic cyclone.

On the other hand, South Florida learned the terrible lesson from Hurricane Andrew: building codes changed and there is a religious-like preparation mindset when it comes to hurricane season. Hell, you read plenty about it here in this blog. We had more strikes, none as bad as Andrew but still causing damage that was minimized by there preparations and thankfully we were back to normal as soon as we could.

But back to collective memory. I think I posted about an idiot a couple of years or more ago, trying to get access to our backyard pretending to be working for Florida Power and Light. He got all puffy when I denied access because he had raised several alarms with the way he was dressed, lack of ID and the vehicle not having the proper decals and paint scheme. I called the cops of his ass and to my amazement, the got there pretty fast which I attributed to being in the area close by. Long-short, it turned out to be a kid working for the cable company trying to access a distribution box which was not even in our property. Supervisor arrived, things got cleared and he was not arrested but given a very stringent warning about pulling stunts like that pretending to be working for FPL which the company frowns upon very much so and go out of the way to warn people with ads.

And I just may have found out why (July 28, 1977):

This was the first recorded Mass Murder in Miami Dade county’s history. And yes, there are still criminals everywhere trying to access homes pretending to be working for utilities and assorted government agencies, but the LEO response I saw that day may be explained by this sad event.

Anyway. just a bit of history that serves to remind us not to break the home perimeter unless is safe to do so.

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Miguel’s Hit and Run: This is why we can’t have nice things.

I love (most) dogs, but I am of the firm belief that they are not my kids or friends. I know that they are not only animals capable of rational thought, but they need the structure of a pack to perform and behave. And they also knew they were at the bottom of the pecking order of the pack which is why my 95 lbs wife would control dogs of equal or bigger weight than hers.

But this is the crap that makes dog owners look like the idiots they are. Apparently, they missed the Park’s instructions on pets.

If my dogs were outside our property, they were ALWAYS on a very strong leash and in full control. This “wondering around nature” bull gets people and animals killed.

Puppy here was damned lucky.


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This is Hochul won’t let you carry in NYC.


This guy was smashing a McDonald’s with a hatchet.

He was eventually arrested and (you know the words, say them with me) released without bail.

This is just accepted as the “local flavor of New York City.”

I wish I was kidding but I’m not.

If you were in NYC and were legally carrying and some crazy guy came toward you with a hatchet and you shot him in self defense, you would be the bad guy for depriving NYC of one of the zany characters thats makes life in the Big Apple unique.

That’s why your right to carry has to be so highly restricted.  So you are not a threat to the hatchet welding insane people that give flair to the city.




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The MCU is going to prove me right and I hate it

The other day I said The MCU and its Woke fans are going full Jew hater.

The next Captain America movie will have an Israeli super hero named Sabra as one of the characters.

She has come under fire by both the entertainment media for being “controversial” and “problematic,” and MCU fans with despicable antisemitic comments.


Because she’s a Zionist Jew and the Left hates Zionism and Jews.

I said that the ugliest aspect of this was how the MCU reacted.  With silence.

They backed black Captain America, woman Thor, woman Hulk, Muslim Ms. Marvel, etc., and called everyone a sexist and a racist for not immediately loving their diverse cast of characters.

But one Jewish super hero gets written into a story and it’s crickets from the MCU as the internet erupts with Jew hatred directed at their character.

Well, the MCU released a statement and it’s horrific.

“While our characters and stories are inspired by the comics. They are always freshly imagined for the screen and today’s audience, and the filmmakers are taking a new approach with the character Sabra who was first introduced in the comics over 40 years ago.”

I fucking called it.

They are going to turn her into an anti-Zionist mouthpiece, degrading Israel and apologizing for Israel, claiming that she disagrees with everything they do.

She will be a Jew hating Woke wet dream.

Her lines will sound like they came from a Neturei Karta flyer.

I would prefer they just cut her character that do to her what they are going to do to her.


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Here is what DeSantis should say to Newsom

After the news was in uproar over DeSantis sending 50 illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard, California Governor Gavin Newsom challenged Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to a debate.


Here is my proposed opening remarks for Governor DeSantis:

“Governor Newsom, a CalVEX study shows that violent crime in California has reached, quote ‘epidemic proportions’ with a huge increase in hate crimes, particularly anti-Asian hate crimes. Murders in Los Angeles have gone up 35%.  Property crimes has caused retailers like Target and Walgreens to close stores.  California has a crisis of homelessness.  California is having a crisis of teenagers overdosing on fentanyl and opioids. California has a massive housing shortage and consequently has the highest housing prices in the country, so much so that it threatens the stability of the state’s future.  The middle-class on California is disappearing, driven out by an unreasonable cost of living.  Over a third of the nation’s welfare recipients are in California, making it the welfare capital of the country. California is now a state full of the super rich who can afford it and the people too poor to get out.  More than half of California students can’t read at grade level. California middle school students ranked near the bottom for math and reading proficiency.  You are number 46 in the nation.  Florida is number three.  California has electricity shortages and water shortages.  Both are due to epic mismanagement of state resources.  Rather than build power plants and reservoirs to deal with these problems, you blame climate change and mandate electric cars which doesn’t solve the immediate problems of the state.  Every single aspect of the governance of California has been a hot flaming garbage dumpster fire of incompetence, ineptitude, and virtue signaling that fails for everyone except the wealthy elite who hide away in beach front gated communities behind private security.  So sit down and shut until your state stops hemorrhaging businesses and residents.”

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New York has to do what New York does, fighting Bruen

This is the third week since the unconstitutional gun control laws went into effect in New York. This is where the passed laws in response to losing their “Good Cause” requirement.

Instead of requiring “good cause” which required you to prove that you were in particular danger above what others might encounter. I.e. the more violent the city became as a whole the less right you had to carry. Regardless, the state got swatted down hard and can no longer require “good cause”.

Instead they now require “good moral character” which they claim allows them to look into your social media. You are required to give them all of your social media accounts that you have had over the last three years. So if you happened to have created an account on “gab” but never use it and forgot you have it and fail to mention it, you can be denied a permit.

If you are lucky enough to get a permit, you can’t actually carry. They have attempted to make everyplace in NY a “sensitive location”. For example they declared all of Time’s Square to be a sensitive place. But they didn’t define what “Time’s Square” was. The city of New York then got to decide. They did. You are suppose to know what the boundaries are. They have put up some signs, but not on all ingress points.

You can be actively looking for the boundary markers and stumble into Time’s Square and be committing a felony.

In the same way it is almost impossible to know what is and is not a “business” that requires explicit signage in order for you to enter.

You are driving along the freeway and pull over to use the facilities. Is that building owned and operated by the government? One set of rules. If the building is owned and operated by a company, there is a different set of rules. There are other places that can become “sensitive” buy the act of something happening nearby.

It has gotten very bad and the new laws are putting an increased burden on law enforcement. This has lead at least one county sheriff to announce that “Brady Checks are no longer required to purchase firearms or change their personal information”. It sounds like this is a pistol purchase permit not being required and does not actually affect the 4473.

The sheriff says that it can take several weeks to complete a Brady Check. Sort of amazing seeing as how most freer states can accomplish the same thing in a few minutes.

They still can’t issue permits to carry because nobody knows the required training so nobody can get the training required to get their permits.

It will be months before the state’s own suggested deadline is here and the preliminary training is released of comments.

It could be another 12 months before they have the training requirements finalized and people can then get the training and then apply.

The cost for the training will be very high. The course will be multiple days per the law. All of this is designed to keep people from exercising their rights.

There are a number of cases that have been filed by FPC and GOA fighting this. The first case was dismissed because the judge said they had no standing. A second case has been filed which corrects the issue(s) the judge had with the first case.

New pistol permit laws prompt local sheriff to adjust county policy, while course instructors add staff

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