The Federal School Safety Law we will not see anytime soon

Miguel’s School Hardening Act of 2022.

My general proposals:

  1. The Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 is immediately repealed. There will be no federal mandate that prohibits carrying firearms by non-prohibited individuals in any school of the nation.

  2. The Federal government will allocate one million dollars* per school per year for the purchase of firearms and training of school personnel.

  3. These funds will be available under certain conditions: a) No less than 10% of school personnel will be armed at any time when school is active, or during an event sponsored by the school. b) Armed school personnel on duty will be given qualified immunity for actions taken inside the school or at school-sponsored event. c) Armed School Personnel will receive a compensation of $1000 a month for his/her duties.   d) Armed School Personnel will receive paid training by long-standing firearms trainers and facilities before every school year. e) Armed School Personnel should be encouraged to practice their skill once every month, dues and ammunition paid by the fund. f) The identity of the Armed School Personnel will remain confidential. Revealing such information would be punished by a $10,000 fine for the first time, $100,000 fine and a year and a day in prison for the second time and $200,000 and 5 years in prison for the subsequent violations. All monies collected will go to fund the school’s allocation for firearms, training and safety. The fines cannot be paid out of the taxpayer’s money.

  4. A list of schools that comply with the requirements of the School Hardening Act of 2022 will be published online.

  5. After all the Armed School Personnel requirements are completed, whatever funds remain should be used only for school safety hardening such as fencing, surveillance, alarms, etc.

I know it needs a couple of tweaks, probably add First Aid training and equipment, but I believe I covered most of what I would want. And of course, to find one single congresscritter to stand up and just demand that The Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 be repealed is a fucking LSD dream of flying multicolored bunnies with dove wings.

(* A tentative figure, of course, but a “good first step” in the parlance of Gun Grabbers from the 90s)

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A different kind of red flag law

Apparently this shooter in Uvalde threw up a lot of red flags.

The Left is screaming that it’s time to ban guns and have red flag laws.

The Buffalo shooter, Parkland shooter, Goffords shooter,, and others also threw up a bunch of red flags.

How about a red flag law that let’s us lock these budding psychos in a fucking box for a long time?

The Left can say “I’m tired of these mass shootings, we need to ban guns.”

I’m tired of after a mass shooting hearing “the shooter had prior contact with law enforcement.”


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Add pelvic shots to your training regimen

I will have more to say about the Uvalde shooting as more details come out, but this is particularly relevant:

As reported by The Daily Mail:

The gunman, Salvador Ramos – wearing body armor, equipped with a handgun and possibly a rifle – shot his grandmother before entering the school and opening fire, said Governor Greg Abbott.

Another mass shooter with body armor.  This follows on the heels of the Buffalo shooter with body armor.

It seems like crazy people who want to inflict maximum damage are preparing by obtaining body armor.

I don’t know if it made a difference in this case but clearly the shooter thought it might.

We are going to have to retrain ourselves on what to do if the shit hits the fan and we must rely on our guns to defend ourselves.

Those first few shot need to be delivered into the low abdomen.  Shoot that motherfucker right in the belt buckle a couple of times then go to work on center of mass.

It is probably safer to assume a mass casualty shooter is wearing armor and you will have to shoot around it than to hit center of mass with the first shot and it be useless when the armor stops it.


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Speaking of Gym…

I just found out my Planet Fitness location will no longer be 24/7, only three days a week will be open 24 hours.

The reason? It seems they can’t get people to work nights. Maybe the pay sucks, but the job ain’t that hard: Keep shit clean, stock the fridge with protein drinks and flavored water and watch movies online with the free WiFi. They don’t even have cash as they are 100% a credit card payment set up.


(yes, I am getting grouchier)

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