The 4X4 gods should strike his ass.

That is a G Klasse Merceds 4×4. They usually are very reliable vehicles, and its older version actually were the first off road vehicles to cross the notoriously impassable Darien Gap in Panama, considered Hell on Earth and a graveyard for many 4x4s which foolishly attempted to cross it.

And this moron managed to get stuck to the transmission on an urban beach somewhere. The tires alone tell me he is a certified idiot who bought the car because of the cool factor and have not figured out yet how to switch to 4L and get out of that little innocuous sand trap.

And do please notice where he attached the straps, not quite the best place in my humble opinion. The sumbitch needs to have his 4×4 confiscated and also needs a 2×4 treatment stat.

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Little Media Shrill about the Buffalo Shooter?

Is it me or I am not seeing the usual News Pounce and Assorted Outrage Hollering in this case?

It is being mentioned, but not with the usual relevance. Even the local rags which are just satellites of the notorious Anti-Gun USA Today Network, are not even carrying the item in their front page but 10 pages plus deep inside today’s editions.

Only CNN is doing the usual thing, but the main face has been Brian Setzer who is not precisely a well-liked character.

I have no particular explanation as of why. But I do find it interesting.

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On the Buffalo Shooter Manifesto.

I am going to call it an Unconfirmed Load of BS. These are supposed to be his latest pics found in page 3:

Those photos are of a comedian from several years ago and have been used by troll again and again every time a mass shooter incident involving a White male. So unless he later confirms he used those photos as sort of joke or trolling effect, I am going to cast doubts on the thing.

I read some of it and it does sound like the ramblings of one of the many idiots populating the sewers of the Net, be it Reddit or 4Chan.

As usual, read the whole thing for yourself.

Payton Gendron manifesto (Alleged)

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Why Buffalo, New York


The image:


The shooter cited New York gun laws as being in his favor limiting the number of armed civilians and the capacity of their magazines, if they were armed.

This is a screaming indictment of limitations on concealed carry.

Buffalo Tops Market and Pulse Night Club, two domestic terror shootings selected for being in places with limited to no concealed carry or armed civilians.

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