Abdullatif Aldosary, a convicted felon who lives in Coolidge, is accused of being the person who detonated an “explosive device” outside the Social Security Administration building in Casa Grande Friday morning, November 30th.

Although a federal complaint doesn’t accuse Aldosary of activity related to terrorism — nor does it define any other possible motive — the probable-cause affidavit was penned by an FBI agent in the Phoenix division’s Joint Terrorism Task Force, and does include a few instances of the word

via Abdullatif Aldosary, Described as “Loner,” Accused of Bombing Casa Grande Social Security Office – Phoenix – News – Valley Fever.

They also found recipes for explosives from the Anarchist Cookbook (Already featured in this blog’s Josh Horwitz Insurrectionist Library), 1,200 rounds of different kinds of ammo including 200 rounds of “russian-made” ammo in ball and hollow point configurations (I am guessing Wolf 7.62×39) and a bunch of chemical precursors for explosives.

This happened last Friday but still has not made the major news outlets and I just found out about it via a Facebook post. I’ll let you wonder why none of the top media groups decided this was not an important items to share with its audience.

In other news, Kurt Hoffman is still considered a dangerous insurrectionist, terrorist and traitor by Josh Horwitz and the Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence. Calls to the FBI for his arrest so far have not led to any indictment or arrest.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Phoenix: A “worplace violence” attack I bet you haven’t heard about.”
  1. Sitting here in Texas still waiting for the Ft. Hood, “Workplace Violence” actor to see the light of day.
    Read about the S.S.A. “un-reporting” in one of my email news alerts,maybe from WND.com???

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