From the New York Post:

Within a few hours, the entire street was blocked off with stolen fencing, wood and junk taken from nearby homes. Some brought in power tools to reinforce the barriers. The militants laid out piles of rocks, metal spikes and glass bottles at strategic points to act as supply points for projectile weapons. They lined the road with impromptu “booby traps” — upward-facing nail strips, caltrops and more.

Portland police officers tried to shut down the RHAZ early on, but they were attacked and chased away. Their police cruisers were smashed up; they didn’t return.

“Those present at the barricades should leave it behind, put down your weapons and allow the neighborhood to return to peace and order,” Portland Police Chief Chuck Lovell asked the militants, who ignored his polite request.

I am shocked that Antifa/BLM ignore the Head Police Castrati of Portland. I am just waiting for several more to pop around the city because they will be no consequences.

But I have to say: There is a lot of combustible material there. You know some dumb bastard is going to end up setting shit of fire after ne too many meth hits.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Portland surrenders to Antifa…again.”
  1. Re Andy’s comment, are the people doing this actually prohibited parties? If not, while he has a point about trespass he doesn’t about “stockpiling” guns.
    If patrol cars are being smashed, it’s obviously time to dust off their MRAP and send that.

    1. So you have to buy the barrel separately?
      Or I suppose you could get a 0% receiver, also known as a “bar of steel” (or aluminum).

  2. There is a lesson to be learned here. We know that police only SWAT people who are not likely to be violent. Watch the tactics being employed by the Antifa people and do your best to emulate it.

    On the flip side- if this sort of takeover of your area happens, make sure you are already familiar with the tactics and fortifications being used, and more importantly, have figured out a way to beat it.

  3. Nice try, Miguel, but a true Oregonian knows it’s far too wet for a conflagration without accelerants this time of year… You’re gonna need some gas/disesel mix and road flares for that kind of action!

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