London, England, the United Kingdom.

It was big news when the murder rate in London passed that of New York City.  London was picked as the 11th most unsafe city in Europe.

Stabbings in London are off the charts, which multiple stabbings happening every day.

If stabbing isn’t your thing, than there is always acid.  Acid or caustic chemical attacks are on the rise with some 500 reported in 2016 alone.

Terrorism in London is also hitting record highs.  You can’t walk down a street without the fear of being run over by a rental car, so London has had to place anti-vehicle “diversity bollards” on every corner and sidewalk.

Moped crime is skyrocketing because “health and safety” regulations mean that police cannot chase people on mopeds who are not wearing helmets.  Criminals now ditch their helmets after committing a crime and get away scot-free.

London has banned everything sharp or corrosive from public and is confiscating everything it can, including spatulas.

If any of this worries you, it shouldn’t.  London mayor, Sadiq Khan is “deeply saddened by it.

So saddened that he went on TV to announce that he is going to ban… advertisements for fast food on London public transpiration.

That is leadership that makes Sheriff Israel look like Ronald Reagan.

Right now, a Londoner is probably lucky to die of a heart attack before getting stabbed, run over, or having his face melted off.

It’s important to deal with the real dangers in London, like a giant picture of a burger.

Sex grooming gangs?  Not so much.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “Progressive Priorities”
  1. And now in London the police are threatening to arrest people who mock them. So when a Londoner Marks the police for a “weapons sweep” and post a picture of a branch and a bicycle tire that is now considered something you can be arrested for. If you criticize the London police for arresting someone for making a joke which is something that should not be arrested for in the first place there’s also no something that is warranted of arrest.

    Without something incredibly radical happening UK is done. And the only radical thing I can think happening is becoming a Muslim celephate. Sex grooming? No that’s too small, think stoning women to death for not wearing a hajib. Or stripping women of the ability to drive. Or remove them as citizens or even subjects and rule that they are property. Also the distraction of all churches and the killing of every Christian in the country. That is Europe next 30 years. And they wonder why we want the wall and ban people from certain countries from coming in.

  2. Trying to deal with real issues is risky, unpopular, and could fail. Going after fat people is popular, pointless, painless, and failure can be spun as just needing to try harder.

    (And I’m convinced that left-wing politicians are not just romantically enchanted by criminals, but they’re also on their payrolls and are cowards. Can’t go after the dreamy revolutionaries who want to redistribute everyone else’s wealth — they might shoot back.)

    1. “failure can be spun as just needing to try harder”.
      Yes. That is the essence of most government programs, intentionally so. Success is not wanted — failure and “try harder” is, because it means more bureaucrats and more taxpayer money.

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