This is the official account of the Acting Assistant Secretary for U.S. Department of State.

They want you to believe that this is just COVID related and not that COVID is the final straw for a people suffering under a brutal Communist dictatorship.

It’s clear the Biden Administration is more ideologically aligned with the Cuban Communists than the Cuban people waiving American flags and chanting “libertad.”


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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Proof the current Administration supports the Cuban Communist regime”
  1. But…but, isn’t the Cuban healthcare system among the best in the world, and needs to be emulated in the US? /sarc

  2. “…the current Administration supports the Cuban Communist regime”

    Gasp! You mean president Xiden wubs commies?

    I’m shocked, I tells ya… Shocked! /sarc But at least there are no more mean tweets. RME

  3. Wow. Per Xiden’s State Dept. critters, Cubans are “just concerned” about Wu-Flu cases & not fighting communism.

    “Julie Chung@WHAAsstSecty
    Peaceful protests are growing in #Cuba as the Cuban people exercise their right to peaceful assembly to express concern about rising COVID cases/deaths & medicine shortages. We commend the numerous efforts of the Cuban people mobilizing donations to help neighbors in need.”


  4. Back in the old days, slave owners would rent out their slaves to their neighbors as a way to make some quick cash. In the slave owning nations of the 21st century, that practice is still alive. The only difference is that 19th century slave owners would not rent out their slaves to the detriment of their own plantations. Communist dictators don’t care — which is why communist countries are environmental disaster areas as well as health menaces.

    When a slave owner rents out his slaves, that is not a “donation” by the slave.

    The fact that the Democratic party — the party of the slave keepers — would support this ongoing practice is not too surprising even if it is disappointing.

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