The Media campaign for LESS vaccinations locations in Florida continues.

The Soft racism of Low Expectations strikes again. Black people cannot obtain a driver’s license to vote and they are apparently tethered to 100 yards from their residences.

I had to return a power washer I rented from my local Publix (Rug Doctor! Did you know they had them?) And I truly never paid attention to the color of who goes there to shop so I decided to see if only Latinos and Whites shopped here and maybe even take a picture if a rare black person was to be found.

Must be passing by, right?
Wait? Two? How’s that possible! Publix is the House of Klan!
The Narrative cannot be a lie!
There are more? There is something suspicious here.
Can we now call BS to the Sun Sentinel “article”?

According to Miami Dade Elections, 20% of my neighborhood is White, 5% is Other and the rest almost evenly split between Blacks and Latinos with the Cubans holding a lead. So no, the people pictured above are not just visitors happening by but neighbors.

Maybe the problem is not Publix. maybe the problem is decades of bad policies in Democrat-dominated Broward county that has made Black neighborhoods unattractive to investment. Publix is not legally obligated into opening a store where it will generate nothing but loses. Maybe the Democrats will love to pass legislation to force companies to open locales at a loss, but they have not installed Socialism 100% and going by past precedents in other countries, the ultimate result will be all stores shutting down.

Then everybody will have equal access to Publix.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Publix is Racist, y’all!”
  1. Ssoooo is there a sign on the door that says “whites only”?? This made up racism is really really getting old. Its the only thing the dems have left

  2. Opening stores in a “tough neighborhood?”

    I think they tried that in Chicago. The city subsidized a Whole Foods(?).

    No, it didn’t work out.

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