By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

17 thoughts on “Question for Tablet users & Other gadgets.”
  1. Works great on my Android phone. Works great this time on the ipad, but sometimes it only shows the post headers.

    It gets fixed if I load the next page, then load back to the front. No idea why, but it happens on a bunch of other WordPress pages, tho never mine.

  2. Works fine on an iPad air, but only show the main “frame” (?) – the area in white. (Posts, Comments, Top Posts & Pages, and Meta) The links and widgets on the left are at the bottom, after the posts still on the main page.

  3. It works ok for me on my iPad, however, when I tap on a link in the RSS feed, I get “ERROR 403 – FORBIDDEN”.

    Tapping on the links from the site itself works fine.

    1. The only bock I have is for hotlinking images. I had to do it because some Stormfront assholes were hijacking my pics for their site & forum. Maybe is that?

  4. Haven’t tried on my tablet. Usually use a full-PC or my mobile phone (not a “smart” phone). Loads fine from both.

  5. Works on my phone but the format has recently changed to a mobile esque looking view where posts are not all in a continuum but displayed individually.

    Today is another change, you used to be able to click on your name and it would show all posts on order from thay person and bring back the continuum type display, not available anymore.

      1. Sometimes it happens sometimes it doesnt. I’m inclined to believe it has to do with WordPress and how it handles the back end to load on data versus WiFi.

        Today is a good example, on data and I got the continuum view back but dont have the sort by author name click and sort right at the base of the post.

        No biggie either way and thanks for the response!

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