By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Quote of the Day: Because it is not fraudulent if they do it.”
  1. The Dems: [4 years] “Hillary Clinton lost because of Russian election tampering/collusion.”

    The Dems: [2 years] “Stacey Abrams lost because of voter suppression.”

    The Dems: “Trump lost fair and square, anyone who mentions fraud is a lying traitor brainwashed by Fox News.”

  2. Exactly. It’s not fraud if they do it. It’s not harassment if they do it. It’s not physical violence when they do it. Its not theft if they do it. It’s not rioting if they do it. It’s not looting if they do it. It’s not murder if they do it. It’s not war if they do it. It’s not the complete and total gencodical extermination of the entire United States population that is not a far left Democrat if they do it.

    It’s not the nuclear carpet bombing of the United States to exterminate all human life in the United States when they mandate the complete and total extermination of all Trump voters, registered Republicans, gun owners as well as well as every single United States citizen that oppose or resisted that or them in any way if they do it. It is our fault they were forced to kill over 300 million United States citizens. We forced their hand and it was justified. It was our fault for not being them they had to exterminate over 90% of the United States population; they are fully justified in that action to keep power.

    The sad thing is that the last part is probably true in terms of how they would reason and rationalize such an action.

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