Do you know that the wait for permission simply to own a firearm takes over one and a half years in some counties in New York state? Do you know that some of the recent proposals to encourage “responsible gun ownership” will cost each gun owner thousands of dollars every year? It is easy to say, “Well, yes, but we should regulate x or control y, without creating bad results like that.” But the reality on the ground says otherwise. All too often, restrictions on gun purchases simply mean that people of the right color and socio-economic class may buy guns, while people outside those categories may not. It happens often that people with good political connections (such as celebrities) may get them, while people without connections have a harder time.

via “Reasonable” Restrictions | Cornered Cat.

She kills monsters for a living so don’t make her mad. You gotta love Kathy 😀

PS: If your wife or Girlfriend is still undecided or makes faces at the idea of having a gun or carrying one, get Kathy’s book and thank me later.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on ““Reasonable” Restrictions | Cornered Cat”
  1. Purchased four of Kathy’s books for female friends and one for me. It’s OK if guys read it too.

  2. This just in: apparently, using previous data to predict future events is a “Slippery Slope fallacy.”

    From my Liberal roommate: “Just because guns have been confiscated every single time they’ve been registered in the past doesn’t mean that they always will be. I fully believe that we could implement a gun registry which does not lead to gun confiscation.”

    Then he said it was an “Ad-Hominem” attack when I quoted the definition of insanity at him.

    I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. He is an ardent and self-proclaimed Socialist, and we all know how well THAT’S ever worked in the past.

    1. And you said roommate, not sure I could live with someone like that. Interesting, my reasonablenesss only goes so far… good luck to you.

  3. “Reasonable restrictions” is a concept like “I’m just a social drinker”. Just as many alcoholics can’t get through a day without quite a few “social drinks”, the the anti-liberty crowd haven’t seen a restriction they don’t consider “Reasonable.”

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