Daniele Perazzi, president of the Italian Perazzi Shotguns firm, was taken into custody yesterday by Adams County Deputies [see update, below] along with several prototype shotguns. The executive was picked up in the parking lot of the Denver Merchandise Mart, hosting the high-end Colorado Gun Collectors show this weekend, after a taxi driver, likely reacting to a suspicious activity reporting outreach program conducted by law enforcement, told authorities he thought he could be transporting an armed “foreign speaking” terror suspect.

via Shotgun executive taken into custody at Colo. gun show on cabbie terror tip – National gun rights | Examiner.com.

“We don’t want your shotguns! We love hunters! We just don’t want to see Assault Weapons in our streets!”  That is what Uncle Joe Biden and the rest of the Gun Control Cadre keeps telling us.  That is, of course till you have shotguns and are seen as a target.

But not only Dever PD was stupid enough to have him arrested without cause, this takes the frigging cake:

Perazzi was released a short time later and his prototype shotguns were returned to him, but reports have emerged that he was ordered by law enforcement to leave the state by nightfall, and sources tell Gun Rights Examiner he has gone one step further and left the country. He is expected to be returning soon with an eye toward filing legal action.

I guess Michael Bane was not exaggerating when he dubbed Mile High with the moniker People’s Republic of Denver.

PS: If you must have to take a trip to Denver, do not take a cab but rent a car as the taxi drivers apparently are former Stasi workers.

PS2: Check Gun America for the price of those “Saturday Night Specials” that Perazzi makes and can be found in the hands of gang members and local drug dealers in Denver.

UPDATE: It might be that the information initially given was wrong as Daniele Perazzi died late last year. It is possible that the one arrested was Mauro Perazzi. However the rest of the story so far stands.

Apparently it was a fake although I’d like to know how a TV station got fooled. This is the official statement from Perazzi:

In merito a quanto riportato dalla stampa di Denver (Colorado), relativamente ad un presunto arresto per terrorismo di Daniele Perazzi (fondatore della Armi Perazzi S.p.A.) sollecitato da un taxista del posto, precisiamo che la notizia è completamente destituita di ogni fondamento.

Infatti, Daniele Perazzi è, purtroppo, mancato ai vivi da circa un anno. Neppure il figlio, Mauro, si trovava sabato scorso negli USA.

Ciò significa che quanto riportato dalla stampa è assolutamente falso e sbagliato e che, di conseguenza, la notizia non è stata per nulla verificata.

L’azienda Perazzi, peraltro, contrariamente a quanto scritto, conosce bene la legislazione americana sulle armi a ragione della sua estesa e rinomata attività di commercializzazione dei suoi prodotti negli USA.

Poiché è difficile pensare a semplice errore, si ritiene che qualcuno che ha interessi contrari a quelli della Perazzi S.p.A., può aver creato questo falso a fini esclusivamente diffamatori.

La società ha già dato mandato ai suoi legali, per intraprendere le più opportune azioni, civili e penali, a tutela del marchio rappresentato e della relativa attività, svolta anche e con profitto sul mercato americano.

Roberta Perazzi

Amministratore Delegato Armi Perazzi S.p.A.

Google Translation:

About press reports of Denver (Colorado), relating to an alleged arrest for terrorism Daniele Perazzi (founder of Perazzi Armi SpA) urged by a taxi driver of the place, we point out that the news is completely devoid of any foundation.

In fact, Daniele Perazzi is, unfortunately, failed to live for about a year. Even his son, Mauro, was last Saturday in the USA.

This means that as reported in the press is absolutely false and wrong and that, consequently, the news has not been verified for nothing.

The company Perazzi, however, contrary to what is written, is familiar with the American legislation on weapons because of his extensive and well-known activities of marketing its products in the USA.

Since it is difficult to think of simple error, it is believed that someone who has interests contrary to those of the Perazzi SpA, may have created this false defamatory purposes only.

The company has already instructed his lawyers to take the most appropriate actions, civil and criminal, in order to protect the brand represented and related activities, and also turning a profit on the American market.

Roberta Perazzi

CEO Weapons Perazzi S.p.A.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

12 thoughts on “Denver’s Negligent Discharge: Arresting the President of Perazzi Shotguns. FAKE”
  1. Daniele Perazzi could buy Denver- I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of his upcoming lawsuit.

    1. I wish he would. If the entire city of Denver vanished overnight, taking the residents with it, (almost) nobody else in the state of Colorado would cry. We’d be quite happy, actually.

  2. I hope anyone with any firearms related interests boycots anything to do with the state of Colorado.

  3. Appears to be a COMPLETE HOAX ….

    from Perazzi S.p.A.

    With reference to press reports concerning Daniele Perazzi’s alleged unlawful arrest for terrorism last Saturday in Denver (Colorado), we state that the incident is devoid of any foundation and the news is completely fabricated.
    Daniele Perazzi (founder of Perazzi SpA) died last year, and his son Mauro was not in the United States last Saturday.
    The Perazzis are not involved in any wrongdoing in any way, shape or form and, to our best knowledge, are not under investigation or scrutiny nor are targets of criminal proceedings.
    The Perazzi Company, contrarily to what has been reported, is very familiar with the US legislation on weapons due to its extensive presence in the American market.
    Perazzi is considering to take legal action to protect the brand and the Company’s reputation in the USA.

    Perazzi SpA

  4. FOX 31 Denver is still sticking to their story even tho it has been “tweaked” several times since it was first reported. Early this afternoon they were still including Adams County as the LE agency involved but since the last edit @ 3:43pm MDT, Adams County LE is no longer included in the report. http://kdvr.com/2013/05/18/cab-driver-mistakes-italian-gun-executive-for-terrorist-calls-police/

    Gentlemen, start your lawyers and may the force be with Perazzi.

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