Texas Representative Dan Crenshaw has been catching internet fire for some alleged statements that seem to have him not quite supporting the President in his efforts to clean out the electoral fraud of the past elections.

What he said and may have not said is subject to interpretation, but he does have a past history of supporting Gun Control measures disguised the usual common sense legislation bullshit, namely Red Flag Laws. And, of course, he has a really shitty sense of political optics.

So, when he posted a tweet bemoaning the orders of certain state an local governments to go after family and friends gathering for Thanksgiving, he gets properly burned for his hypocrisy.

Ouch! That is gonna leave a burn!

And in case the name sounds familiar, here is why.

I have the strange feeling that Crenshaw is the political re-incarnation of deceased senator John McCain: Waves Red but shits Blue all over his constituents and the Nation.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Representative Crenshaw gets a well deserved one in the goateed chin.”
  1. He went to Harvard to get his masters after he got out of the SEALS.

    Seems like that’s were he got bit by the Leftist bloodsuckers, turning him slowly into one of them.

  2. I think too much is being made of that pic with the MDA gals, after all they’re his constituents and meeting with constituents (even opposed ones) is standard fare. I disagree with his red flag position(s), but he’s an overall benefit to the country, IMO.

    1. If I were in congress and MDA asked to take a pic with me, I’d wear my NRA Golden Eagles belt buckle, AAC hat, and Bushmaster Firearms pullover. To troll them.

  3. While I get scrappycrow’s comment regarding constituents, Dan’s support of any sort of ex parte law is not acceptable.

    I know a few veterans that no longer want to own or touch a firearm, That’s fine…for them. When they want to impose that on others is when I long to remind them of their oath to uphold the Constitution.

  4. Personaly, i have met One too many SEALS that are solidly on the Progressive(socialist at the least, Communist Sympathizing Traitors at worst) train.

    Flush those guys!

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