Rob got nasty and personal in his Facebook posts — he baited the official in — at which point our victim responded, referring to Rob as a “little bitch.”

That was all it took.

Rob immediately tipped off the Facebook Police, who quickly slapped a three-day suspension on the official for violating Facebook’s community standards on harassment and bullying.

Rob Pincus: Secret Agent for the Facebook Police

So Rob IS a little bitch.

Once again, go read the whole thing.

PS: Rob, don’t need to tell the Facebook Commissars about me. I do a great job landing my ass in their gulag all on my own.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

12 thoughts on “Rob Pincus: The Stupid Saga Continues.”
  1. Apparently Abschnitsbevollmächtigter Pincus is a bit perturbed by the reaction to his recent co-written missive.

  2. TBH, I’ve found several items in Rob Pincus’ training videos that:
    a. are useful only in very specific circumstances, but offered as if they’re universally valid;
    b. require specific (usually insanely expensive) guns/accessories/gear, and if you don’t have that specific set-up, f@#k you, you’re doing it wrong;
    c. require specific physical dimensions (i.e. you have to be built like Rob), and if you don’t have it, f@#k you, you’re doing it wrong;
    d. have a constant “No True Scotsman” vibe — his way is How It’s Done, and if you disagree, f@#k you, you’re doing it wrong; or
    e. some combination of any/all the above.

    I still remember his comment on “Open Carry Asshattery”. Concealed carry is the only proper way to carry (see item ‘d’ above).

    I only watched a few of his videos. The info was okay for those specific situations (see item ‘a’ above), but his overall attitude in delivering it was so arrogant I couldn’t stand to watch any more. Not at all a good demeanor for an instructor.

    While I understand where he’s coming from with preemptively surrendering on UBCs — offering that as a compromise could head off worse things — there are a few problems.

    First, while that might work with reasonable opponents, he clearly doesn’t know anything about Leftists; they are not reasonable people (item ‘a’ above). They’ll take his offering and demand much more, and the new “compromise” will be worse than if our side initially offered nothing and ended up with UBCs.

    Second, he’s (once again) acting like preemptive surrender is How It’s Done, and if you disagree, f@#k you, you’re doing it wrong (item ‘d’ above).

    Sorry, Rob. Surrendering ground before the debate even starts is how we lose, and lose big. If you want to do that, at least make it a poison pill that either guarantees the bill doesn’t pass, or guarantees it fails Constitutional muster.

    Under no circumstances should you offer the Left what they want unconditionally — that’s just throwing scraps to the circling jackals; rather than keep them at bay, it’ll just embolden them to circle closer.

  3. The Megan Markle* of the shooting world. Pure controversy whore.
    And he’s been one for ages.

    *10 years ago I would have wrote Kim Kardashian, and 20 it would be Paris Hilton.

  4. Isn’t Pincus also the dude that tried to redesign and sell what was essentially an overpriced Glock with fancy engraving or some such?

  5. I can think of a few more things to call Mr. Pincus, but this is Miguel and JkB’s house; I don’t think they’d like it if I started busting out some of the language.

  6. I’ve ignored him since May 20, 2012.

    It was clear, then, that he didn’t understand much of the why he was demanding things from students and blaming his lack of understanding on their choice of gun.

  7. The notion of “universal background checks” being a “compromise” is massively misguided — and that is the most charitable possible explanation. Anyone who has applied any brain cells to the question understands the purpose of UBC — it is to build a national gun registry. And there is only one possible purpose for such a registry — to use as the confiscation list.

    Compromising with politicians who aim to confiscate our weapons — and who most of the time aren’t even shy about saying so — is at best stupid and at worst a sign you’re a traitor.

    1. Correct, and well-put.

      UBCs aren’t a compromise; the current law — requiring NICS checks on retail sales — is the compromise; don’t think that if the Brady Bill could have required NICS to approve all transfers, that they wouldn’t have. Giving up UBCs is giving them the whole barn on that issue.

      In addition, UBCs are, like you said, the next step in full gun registration (read: building the database for future confiscation). Multiple studies from credible sources (to both sides) have looked at the issue and said UBCs are worthless for their stated purpose without a full gun registry; after all, if you don’t know where all the guns should be, you can’t determine when they’re where they shouldn’t be.

      Pincus is close enough to the issue that he should know all this. Like you also said, if he — in his position as firearm/tactical trainer and self-appointed representative to the gun community — is willing to give on this, he’s either incredibly stupid or a traitor. (Or possibly both; they’re not mutually exclusive.)

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