In case you missed it, California’s Governor Gavin Newson attended a  dinner party for 12 people (including lobbyists) at a 3 star Michelin restaurant in Napa Valley.

But he apologized for his mistake.

No sir, a mistake is  being in the food court of a mall, not paying attention and ending up in Sbarros instead of Baskin-Robbins next door. What you did was take a taxpayer’s sponsored trip (with all the logistics and people that require) from your official residence to a super fancy restaurant in Napa Valley to  rub elbows, unmasked and at wine-breath distance with lobbyists  in contravention of all the rules you imposed on Californians.

You gotta love the hypocrites.




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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

14 thoughts on “Rules are for the little people”
  1. As I said … We need to hold our elected officials to, at a minimum, the standards everyone else has to live by.

    This sort of crap, and Pelosi’s re the hairdresser, should be sufficient to see them escorted out the door come next election.

  2. Summary of the last two weeks…

    Pfizer: We have a vaccine!
    Trump: Yay, we have a vaccine, let’s make sure its available to everyone!
    Cuomo: I am not going to allow that vaccine in New York. It’s dangerous because nothing Trump does could ever possibly be correct.
    Media: Oh, yes, he’s exactly right. Much danger. Very -ous.
    Trump, in a press conference: We hope to have the vaccine available everywhere by April, except in places like New York where the Governor has said he won’t allow it because it’s dangerous. As soon as he allows it, they can have it.
    Media: WHAT A MONSTER!

    1. Yep. Weird name, but very upscale, apparently. Tucker Carlson covered this last night. Thanks to another patron who recognized “the Gov”, and snapped photos, we all have yet more proof ( as if we needed it) of the double standards.

  3. Businesses are forced to stay closed, destroying people’s livelihoods. Kids can’t go to school or anywhere. All our movements are restricted. Jewish folk in NYC are treated like they are in 1936’s Germany/Austria, people are not allowed to pick up their elderly family members from WuhanFlu-infected overcrowded nursing homes (and many die with no repercussions to the government officials that caused it), and the defunding-the-police b.s. keeps being pushed and they can’t protect the citizenry (unless you are a politikritter and can hire private security on our tax dollars), etc.

    But when the hypocrite DemonKKKrats (but I repeat myself) are asked to live by the same idiotic rules they’re peddling? Ooh no. Rules are for mundanes and our “betters” *must* go to Hawaii. SMH & RMESHISMB


    But… but… but… UNITY! /sarc

    1. The sheep think he’s doing a great job, and since the pigs work sooooo hard for them they deserve all the luxuries. Baaaaa.

  4. It’s pretty clear Gavin never expected to be caught, and if caught, never expected any of the media to criticize him. The fact that less than 100% of the people approve of him seems to have come as an unwelcome shock.

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