Seattle saw a staggering 525 percent spike in crime as a result of the violence that swept through the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest, according to Mayor Jenny Durkan.
Durkan’s emergency order booting protesters from the six-block cop-free zone makes mention of the “narcotics use and violent crime, including rape, robbery, assault, and increased gang activity” within CHOP since it first emerged in early June.
June 2 to June 30 saw the 525 percent jump in crime compared to the same period last year.
It includes “22 additional incidents, in person-related crime in the area, to include two additional homicides, 6 additional robberies, and 16 additional aggravated assaults (to include 2 additional non-fatal shootings),” Durkan’s order on Tuesday says.
The CHOP crime spree includes the deaths of two black teens, ages 19 and 16, who were fatally shot in separate incidents.

Seattle sees 525 percent spike in crime thanks to CHOP: Mayor Durkan

Liberal Political blinders are dangerous.  If the principle of the commune was something effective and proven, a bunch of you would have been born and raised in the 60s communes your grandparents dropped acid and had orgies in and we will never know for sure the crime committed back then other than those gatherings that ended up evolving into cults.

I still don’t get the concept of “It is gonna work this time because….” from happening more than once per person. We were once young and full of love for our homogenic human fellows, so utopia seemed possible. But getting your nose bloodied over and over by reality and still thinking it will work “this time” reflects a low level of maturity. Hell, even toddlers shove the fork in the electric outlet but once.

But I welcome more CHAZes everywhere. They are the greatest propaganda effort for the re-election of President Trump.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Seattle: I believe they truthfully did not see this coming.”
  1. You that saying, “never assume malice when stupidity will do”? The problem is it’s possible be both stupid and malicious and I think the Seattle gubmint exemplifies this. From the idiot mayor to the councilwoman who let the CHAZ organizers into city hall that first night, they’re a shining example of malicious idiocy.

    The father of that 19 year old young man who was killed was on Hannity last night on Fox News. He ended up giving the guy the entire last half of the show and didn’t even do commercial breaks. It was the most gut-wrenching thing I’ve ever seen. I cried more than once.

    1. More precisely, “never attribute to malice that which can adequately be explained as stupidity”. A lot of leftists have long passed the point where an explanation of stupidity would be considered “adequate”.

  2. Chaz literally became the most dangerous place in America, per capital, in one week. That should be all anyone needs to know.

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