It’s dangerous. It’s very dangerous. I believe, Mr. President, we are at one of the most dangerous points in our history right now. Every bit as dangerous as the break-up of the Union before the Civil War.

via Senator Says Politics Have Reached Civil War Levels –

And your side frown on weapons….at least those in private hands. Maybe you may want to start FOLLOWING the Constitution and bring down the political rhetoric a notch or two hundred?

And no, the hippies will not flood the streets to defend you, nor the unions or the Obamaphone carriers. You guys start something, there will be a name for your movement:

Occupy Downrange.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “Senator fears Civil War!”
  1. Senator Harkins claims we are in danger of having another civil war, and then contributes to our division by attaching blame to the Tea Party and Senator Cruz.
    Of course HE has had nothing to do with our present crisis.
    The Tea Party consists of normal people who work for a living, pay taxes, and feel the government is spending their money poorly. As citizens (and tax payers) it is their right and responsibility to tell their elected servants how they feel about being required to support people too lazy and/or irresponsible to pay their own way.
    Compassion is laudable BUT our social programs have gone far beyond their intended goals to the point where we are creating a permanent dependent class which has a sense of entitlement far beyond reality. In effect they HAVE NO SHAME.
    Ted Cruz is the face of the Tea Party and (to date) says it like it is. This will make him extremely unpopular with the established politicians both Democrat and Republican.
    I wish him well.
    Paul in Texas

  2. Warning, bad language alert;

    Harkin, unfortunately. is one of my Senators. He is and always has been a gun hating hack asshole. luckily, he’s retiring this next year. Then he can move to the Bahamas full time because he sure as hell doesn’t represent the citizens of Iowa. The only reason that son of a bitch kept getting re-elected was the fact that he spent years in charge of the Ag committee. The Farmers and all of their relatives kept him in office and he kept them in the chips. I wouldn’t piss in his face if his nose was on fire. Occupy downrange indeed.

  3. Harkin can’t understand that the citizens are sick and tired of having their rights trampled and then when they complain they are told gov will interpret whether you have that right or NOT. Maybe the citizens are sick of gov never having enough money and coming back at them with a tax on everything, moving or NOT. maybe the citizens are tired of the gov overstepping its authority with hundreds of thousands of pages of new regulations on them every year that the gov does not follow. You could write a book…… Oh there’s a hundred of them already.

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