By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

11 thoughts on “She has a great future as Party Commissar.”
  1. Your mistake is saying “Our country“. Because they don’t want the United States of America to exist. Nor most of its population since most would be against that. They want it destroyed and replaced. With them running it of course. And when they run whatever they create into the ground in a few short years if that it will be everyone else’s fault but them.

  2. As has been said, if Trump is a fascist, he must be the worst (in the sense of “least-effective”) fascist ever. His opponents are still alive, walking free, and in many cases still hold considerable political power. The press is still allowed to publish lies to try and damage his credibility. The promised re-education camps and concentration camps have not happened. The government at all levels has not been replaced by sycophantic yes-men. Citizens are still allowed to publicly disagree with him, and they face no criminal sanctions for doing so.

    Like I said: Worst. Fascist. Ever.

    1. You need to remember the second rule of the narrative: What you MIGHT do is much worse than what we ARE doing.

      Over and over again I’m told that I MIGHT do this or that evil thing. That Trump, sometime in the future is going to do a horrible thing. And because he/we MIGHT do that horrible evil thing, we have to be stopped now.

      Yet the things they are *actually* doing don’t count because it isn’t as bad as what we MIGHT do.

      “Oh, we’re punching this guy in the face because he’s a nazi. We know because he is wearing a MAGA hat. And we know that Trump wants to lock all of us up and have his fascist pigs punch us.”

      Huh? You’re punching him NOW because he MIGHT sometime in the future punch you because a third party, Trump, is perceived by you to want to do evil to you.

      What’s your proof?

      Trump didn’t say BLM when he was told to and he didn’t step down when we told him to.


      1. Excellent point. Gun control is based on exactly that premise.

        You, a law abiding and responsible individual should not be allowed to own a gun because a.) someone you never met might do something illegal with a similar gun, or b.) you could go crazy at a moment’s notice and might do something illegal.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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