Miguel broke the news that the NY AG was suing to destroy the NRA.

That is bad news for the NRA.  The NRA must survive (it needs to be cleaned up but that’s not the point of this post, I don’t want the comments to devolve into shitting on the NRA).

Tucker talked about the suit on his show last night and how it was a blatantly partisan act to force the NRA to spend its money to defend itself instead of using it for political activism.

Trump blasted the NRA suit at an impromptu press statement.

This lead to the WSJ publishing this headline:

Lawsuit Against NRA Thrusts Gun-Rights Debate Into Presidential Campaign

This could be good for us.

We have seen record gun sales.  Shelves are empty of ammo.

We have record new gun owners.

One of my favorite YouTubers posted this awesome rant:

He’s not wrong.

Putting gun control at the front of the presidential debate, with Antifa attacking people and the Democrats defending them as a backdrop might swing many people to the more pro-gun side.

The argument is simple:

“Dear new gun owners. You know that gun you just bought because the cops are being defunded, criminals are being let out if jail on bail reform and COVID, violent crime is up, riots and looting are going on daily, and Antifa is beating people in the streets?  Biden and the Democrats want to take your new gun away to protect Antifa, rioters, looters, and criminals from you.”

That message could really backfire on them and help us.


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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Silver lining to the NRA suit”
  1. We hope the 2M new gun owners have been awakened to our cause but with only 80+ days left there’s not much time to educate/sway them. Absolutely talk to the ‘recently armed’ about voting to keep their new purchases however we need everyone to focus on motivating the allies we already have.

    I recommend using the NRA’s political victory (nrapvf.org – I know) listings to find candidates to support. Donate directly to those candidates. Don’t wait for any organization to act; make an individual effort. Talk to everyone you know that’s friendly. Make *sure* they are registered to vote; an amazing number of people are NOT registered. If they aren’t send them to gunvote.org

  2. When someone you know asks you for ANY kind of advice about firearms, or you hear ANYONE make a positive comment about firearms, the first words out of your mouth should be, “Are you registered to vote at the address at which you live?”

    After that, anything else is gravy.

  3. I saw and favorited that exact Razorfist video a coupe weeks back. If only McSally would take his advise.

    Someone else said something equivalent like this is The Republican and conservative equivalent of the state of Mississippi doing the same for Planned Parenthood.

    I don’t know if that’s an appropriate comparison but it’s sure to piss a few people off. But at the same time even with the record-breaking amount of gun sales combined with ammunition been damn near impossible to find online at least and only can find a little bit at a time in the stores the vast majority of these new gun owners are still of the opinion that they were a year ago: guns are bad, should be banned, should be confiscated and gun owners who resist should be murdered by state. They still are of the opinion the only good gun owner is a dead gun owner. They don’t see the Pockrus he because if the left didn’t have double standards they wouldn’t have any at all. So they do not see the cognitive dissonance. Because for them it’s impossible to be hypocritical or wrong about anything ever. It takes a hell of a lot for them to realize they’re wrong. Look at Tim pool. It took months and months perhaps years for him to even dip his toes in the water in supporting Trump. He’s the kind of guy that one year ago SUPPORTED the registration of all guns and the total banning and mandatory buyback of all privately held semi auto weapons. He got one now but he’s on the left and if the democrats win and ban private firearm ownership Will just give up his guns willingly shrug and say whatever. Because he never supported gun rights in the past and he doesn’t now. It’s just a matter of personal protection. And the vast majority of people buying guns that have not bought Guns before are of the exact same mindset.

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