I stole the whole post. 

There’s several political seats where the incumbent is utterly despised.

Despised enough that you’re just certain that they will be disposed next election.

Then you see whom the other party picks to run against them and you think, “well, they may be despicable, but they’re sure better than Newguy™.”  And you watch this happen election after election.

I don’t find many people who actually like Senator Nelson (D-FL), but I don’t think Governor Scott (RINO) is going to unseat him.

Especially since I don’t think the Republican party in Florida has really fully absorbed how pissed off gun owners are about our new gun control law.

He is right. In my particular case, I already been reached via phone by GOP survey  and electoral workers and made my absolute displeasure and let them know I do not plan to vote for any asshole who sides with the passing of SB 7026. I know at least one of the callers was shocked at my vehemence and another was not as he had already heard from others Republican voters.

I do believe this year will turn out to be Blue for Florida.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Six More Years You Say – McThag.”
  1. I’m changing my voter registration from Independent to Republican next week so I can vote on the primaries. Hopefully there will be some politikritter worth voting for.
    As for Guvnor Voldemort, I’m still not sure about voting for that RINO backstabbing sumbeach. >:- Guess will have to toss a coin in the voting booth when it is time to take a bite of the 2018 Floriduh political shit sandwich of RINO Scott vs. DemonKKKrat Nelson.

      1. Miguel: Agreed. LP these days exists to fool conservative voters into not voting for the conservative candidate. It can’t win on its own, but it bleeds off GOP votes, which helps to ensure Democrat victories.

        1. Fine. But if you’re arguing that there is no reason to vote for the RINO, and that’s clearly a correct argument, then why not vote for the Libertarian? You’ve already stated that “siphoning” is not a problem in this scenario.

  2. I do believe this year will turn out to be Blue for Florida.

    And unless the Florida GOP gets its act together, Florida may turn into the Kalifornistan of the South. It’s no longer enough to just have an ‘R’ after your name. “Vote for me because I promise to screw you over slightly less than the other guy” isn’t a winning campaign anymore.

    If the choice is between Democrat and Democrat Lite, both parties are out to screw you over, but at least the Democrat is honest about it. I’d rather see the knife coming than take it between the shoulder blades from someone who was supposed to be on my side.

    The GOP needs to realize this — quickly — and nominate candidates with actual Republican values and the spine to hold to them.

    Sadly, the GOP is known as the Stupid Party for a reason….

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