I went to an Episcopal high school.  Being a college prep school in Miami, the student population was at least one-third Catholic.

Come Holy Week, I was taught that the reflections were the Seven last words of Jesus Christ.  Each day we had a convocation and the school priest would go over the word of the day and what it meant, like a shorter and depressing advent calendar.

The point of reflection was to teach you why Christ died for you sins and how you are to be saved in his Resurrection.  You are to reflect on your sins (hence the term “refelctions”) and why you should seek salvation.

(If I have any of this slightly off, it’s been a long time since high school and I’m doing this from memory)


In the fallout of the David Hogg//Laura Ingraham kerfuffle, Ingraham decided to take a week off.

David Hogg Tweeted this.

Here is the sub-Tweet.

Holy fucking shit, that is awful.  I may not be a Christian but even I know that thinking that getting an internet mob to drive a pundit off the air for a week for mentioning that you didn’t get into college is not the kind of thing that aligns you with Christ and puts you in God’s good graces.

Fellow Parkland student an mural superior called him out for it.

Hogg’s moral compass is totally fucked.

What a wretched piece of dog shit his soul must be.

This is the slactivist equivalent of Jihad.  Believing that is a spiritual good work to destroy the non-believer.

Somebody needs to take this kid to Church and teach him what reflections are all about.

If that doesn’t work, I think water boarding in the font would make a good penance.

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By J. Kb

One thought on “Someone take Goebbels Jr. to chruch”
  1. He’s a bully. He was a bully before the shooting, and the Left has given him a bigger platform to bully others.

    But it won’t last forever. He will be tempted to try and play Democratic party kingmaker during the primaries, and is going to get seriously slapped down ala Cindy Sheehan and Bradly Manning.

    If he doesn’t get caught doing 100mph stoned to the gills and trying the old “do you know who I am” on the cops sometime in the next few months. Which is fairly likely.

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