“Strolling is not allowed!”

It starts with the first cop ((notice he wears neither mask nor gloves) demanding the “carnet” (ID card) and three more cops backing him up. The other strolling civilian gets ignored and sent away and then First cop then loses it telling him “This is not a joke, people are dying!” Another cop arrives and you would think this is a felony pedestrian stop by now.

Then the second cop tell the civilian “If you are not home, you are inside!” which leads me to believe that Spain does not understand the concept of cabin fever or don’t give much of a shit.

Apartments in Spain are rather in the small size. And it is part of their culture that they spend a lot of time outside in bars and cafes with the required intake of alcohol. Alcohol, forced interment and close quarters will make for a explosive situation.

Oh yes, today is only Day 2. They have at least 12 more to go…at least.


UPDATE:   You can be fined up to 30,000 Euros and jail up to a year for violating the quarantine. They are applying some weird law that specifies those fines and penalties for disobeying the authorities even when you are not committing a crime. (?) Apparently I can get a fine for telling Screaming Badge to fuck off.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Spain: And so it begins”
  1. “Papiere, bitte.”


    Hope I’m 150% wrong on this but I suspect we will see some of that here too.
    The WH intimated of possible domestic travel restrictions (that’s how it starts) and we have no shortage of roid-rage officers or stupid people whom hate LEOs all over the country. Thankfully roid rage cops are a minority in most police departments but with the stress level turned up to 11, there will be incidents escalated by either or both sides of the confrontation, and I suspect they will be more in thhe blue cities festering with progtards as they have pretty much stated how much they loathe cops.

    Y’all stay safe out there.

  2. Remember that pretty much all the rest of the world, and Europe in particular, doesn’t have a Constitution. Either none at all, or none that does anything useful, like limit the powers of the government or protect the rights of the citizens.
    For that matter, the term in Europe is “subject” and for a reason: all those countries have political systems that evolved, to some extent, from absolute monarchies.
    About the only exception that comes to mind is Switzerland, a fairly loosely connected confederacy.

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