CSGV Victoria Steele

A Tucson legislator wants to charge parents with a felony if their kid uses their gun to kill or injure someone.

Rep. Victoria Steele said parents should be held liable for leaving guns where they can fall into the hands of children.

“We’ve seen too many children get hold of guns and hurt themselves or hurt somebody else,” Steele said. “I think parents and people who have guns should be responsible gun owners. … To me, this is a no-brainer. This is responsible parenting.”

via Make parents responsible if kids get a hold of guns, Tucson lawmaker says.

State Representative Victoria Steele is in Arizona. Which is funny as hell because her worry about guns falling into the hands of people who should not apparently did not include those involved in Operation Fast and Furious which happened in her damn courtyard and no record of her making a comment of any kind appears after a Google-Fu.

But, you know: Dead Mexicans don’t vote in Arizona. Maybe in Chicago.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “State Rep Victoria Steele Home Turf Fail”
  1. “Dead Mexicans don’t vote in Arizona”

    I just figured out one way we could make immigration backfire on the Democrats.

    “Hey, remember Operation Fast and Furious? That thing our government did that gave automatic weapons to the criminals from your home country? Yeah, that was the Democrats.”

  2. “Dead Mexicans don’t vote in Arizona”

    Neither do dead federal agents. ie Terry and Zapata. There is also a body count on our side of the border, no one knows how many in both counties have died. The numbers could be reaching over 1000.

  3. So does this apply to cars as well? If a kid steals his parents car and hurts someone while out joy riding should we also charge the parents? What about if a kid steals alcohol? Falls into a 5 gallon bucket and dies?

    Certainly you *may* be able to make a case for negligence, but that would be independent of the tool. If you can prove negligence then the tool used is irrelevant.

  4. Ayup, lucusloc. True negligence, and a history of it, might indicate wisdom in jailing the irresponsible parents. But when an otherwise good family has a lapse in judgement that leads to this tragedy, the remaining family members grieve and regret for the rest of their lives. Yet that is not enough for this cretin. She wants to tear the family apart by jailing the parents for a total accident! That’s a whole new level of cruelty there!

    1. It’s not even necessarily a laps in judgment (though a lot of these cases are for sure). Lots of parents with small kids and pools take steps to secure their progeny, with fences and gates and such, yet still find that their child drown. Kids are human, and so have a lot of creativity, and by the time they are 5 or 6 are capable of defeating a large number of safety devices if given the time and incentive. As far as kids go education is better than relying on safety devices. (And if we use the liberal definition of “child” then you are talking about securing your tools from someone as old as 25.)

      Accidental death can happen to even the most prepared and thoughtful people, sometimes the world just conspires against you. This person is a monster for wanting to punish you for an already horrible situation.

  5. And we all need to go to her Facebook page and copy and paste the same comments there. She’s not smart enough to read this, but she’s reading that!

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