So I was taken to task by a Liberal friend in Facebook for the picture and comments of the Scum Bucket taking a knee during the playing of Taps at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery. I was both told to give him the benefit of the doubt and that I was racist.  Why I was racist? Because the Kneeling Jackass appears to be black and without giving me the benefit of the doubt, the critic immediately stamped me with the racist badge. Irony? Contradiction? You decide.

Ms Critic double down saying that indeed we were racist because a White Man would have never been questioned about his reasons for kneeling. Of course the Liberal Schmuck seemed to be unaware that for the playing of Taps, the Old Guard announces to spectators to stand up and to place the right hand above their hearts as signal of respect. The Old Guard soldiers do not have a soft voice nor you get confused by their message when they mean to give you one:

I am gonna close this quoting myself from the reply I gave her in Facebook:

“And you know what? I am sick of “giving the benefit of the doubt.” I am tired of having to be the one that keeps giving up and let others get away with shit. I am sick of my willingness to seek a peaceful compromise being used as a tool to win a political point. 
Fuck that guy and the ones like him.”

I am done with being the nice one.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Stop Enabling Assholes. Stop Benefit of the Doubt”
      1. You mean “pretending to be on the side of the 2nd Amendment”, right? I’m reminded of the infamous Sen. Feinstein, who sees no irony in wanting to ban our guns while carrying one herself, in California no less.

  1. “… I am sick of ”giving the benefit of the doubt” I am tired of having to be the one that keeps giving up and let others get away with shit. I am sick of my willingness to seek a peaceful compromise being used as a tool to win a political point.”

    Indeed. I feel the same way ever since el-barak-o started attacking the core of America with his idiotic progtard bullshit during his 2nd term.

    “Fuck that guy and the ones like him.”

    Amen x 100.

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