During an interview with MSNBC, Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) pushed for the cancellation of student debt to help “ensure” an “equitable” economic recovery from the effects of the shutdowns amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Pressley told MSNBC’s “American Voices” that she will push the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris administration to cancel student debt via executive order on day one.

Ayanna Pressley: Canceling Student Debt Will Ensure ‘Equitable’ Economic Recovery

Of course, my take on how Student Debt needs to be solved may differ from what the Left wants:  Shut Down School Loans. Zero taxpayer’s money goes to pay for higher education. The ones who are in class and have debt, don’t have to pay it, but that also means you are on your own paying for your next semester. If you do not like a taxpayer-funded loan, then you should not get a taxpayer-funded debt pardon.

I do believe that we will be able to sit down and watch colleges and universities suddenly become really affordable and, if we are lucky, many of them become Outlet malls or cheap housing and office space.

Why fund the enemy’s army? They want a  Revolution? Fucking pay for it.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “Student Debt: Something Trump must take care of.”
  1. “I do believe that we will be able to sit down and watch colleges and universities suddenly become really affordable…”

    They certainly wouldn’t be able to afford the administrative and SJW bloat they’ve incurred over the last couple of decades.

    1. Sounds good to me. Having them actually teach stuff, and in particular teach things that have value, would be a refreshing change after decades of extremist political propaganda and fake scholarship on fake subjects.

  2. I’ve thought about this. Create a tax break on corporate profits for grants/loans to students. Let the oil companies pay for kids to get degrees in Chemical Engineering. Let big tech pay for the tuition of kids who want to study computer science. Encourage US companies to educate US students in degrees that the companies need.

  3. They gonna cancel my truck payments??? Y’all’s mortgage??? Im ssssoooo sick and tired of this shiite. PAY yer friggin bill like the rest of us have too.

  4. So, the tens of thousands of dollars I’ve paid to educate my kids at community colleges gets refunded too? Most likely not. And yes, community college rather than big universities for several reasons, but cost was a big one. The youngest just graduated this year and nobody is hiring. Why should other kids get freebies after I paid in full?

    Everyone had a choice, it appears I’m the one that chose poorly.

  5. I’d like to see the colleges and universities that grant degrees in majors with limited demand in the private sector, i.e. (anything) Studies, be forced to eat the cost of the non collectible loans.

  6. If you take out a loan for a car, the bank checks a few things before writing the check. Like, what is the value of the car? Can you afford to pay it back? Is your credit good?
    Small business loan? They check whether the business is viable in any way, what is your business plan? What is the market for that business like? What assets are you bringing?
    Mortgage? Again, your ability to pay is checked. The value of the property is evaluated. Etc…

    Student loan? You get it just for asking.

    If the banks were in a position to evaluate the ROI on a student loan, they would not lend out a penny for any hyphenated-American studies major out there. The bank would never give out a loan to start a business making scarves out of nose hair, they would never give a mortgage for 500% the value of the property (without a LOT of other collateral), and they would never give a minimum wage worker a loan for a Mercedes S-class sedan. (Unless the down payment was MASSIVE).

    Why do they give student loans to kids that are getting useless degrees? Because the government takes on the liability.

    The government caused the student loan problem by removing the consequences from giving out a bad loan. Now, they think the solution is to remove the consequences from accepting a loan for a bad reason from the students?

    God, I need a drink.

  7. Like many of you, I worked nights to pay for college. I had to resort to student loans to make up the difference, but paid it back with the nice income I made when I got a good job with my B.S. degree in a science category. Never once did I cry that Uncle Sam should foot the bill.
    PS, I had a wife and kid to take care of, at the same time.

  8. A you do not just get a student loan, at least 15 years ago when I was going to college. You could be denied for a number of reasons least of which was credit, it happened to me many times and resulted in a family fun financial imbroglio tying me to a few people so I could get enough money to finish school. I have no reason to believe this has changed.

    Second all refi loans are weighted based on ye our education level and what that education is in, aka the prospects of you paying it are considered and accounted for when determining how much to lend you and how much interest to charge you.

    Now I think we should all be resposible for the choices we made, ill informed or not, no free rides on loans because I dont think tje problem is loans themselves. The problem is telling everyone they need to go to college when they dont and business deciding at some point to make a bachelors degree the equivalent of what a high school diploma used to be. We need to stop telling impressionable 16 year olds that going to college is THE WAY and we need to firmly educate anyone about what their prospects are when they study a liberal arts subject like myself because all of this college is awesome and necessary shit totally misleads a bunch of kids who on the whole dont know any better. You can be told being 200k in debt for a history degree is a bad idea and it will be a problem for you in the future when you are trying to start out on life but you dont really appreciate what that means until it is breaking your balls into dust because it is a problem you have once you are done with college and have to do other adult things like work and move out of your parents house etc. Obviously this doesn’t apply to everyone but I think it hits the vast majority, and that is problem.

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