Again, I want to apologize for the screw up. I went blind to the Run of The Bulls in Pamplona and got a nice horn up my ….

First: More bad news. The subscriber list is gone as you may have noticed from not getting 4 to 5 notifications daily.  As much as I hated it for you to have to do it all over, I rather much have it lost than end up outside my control and you getting spammed by third parties.

Second: I chose the most simple of the subscription widgets out there. No fancy shit, just subscribe. I hope this one comes without any problems, but let me know. You will see a small subscription form on the left side of the blog, so feel free.

Third: There is another alternative, a RSS Reader and in particular The Old Reader.  With it you can set up not only my blog but any blogs you like in one convenient package and at your time of choosing to read. Depending on the blog & service it may or not display all the text and/or graphics but you can still click on the link and take you to the particular blog. I use it and I figure you wouldn’t mind an alternative.

Again my apologies and let’s hope we are back to abby normal.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Subscription to Blog is back up.”
    1. I think you are subscribed as fellow blogger. I found out that data was saved somewhere else.
      I am so happy my life does not depend on this crap 😀

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