The Sun Sentinel’s objection does seem suspicious when compared to the election results by county.

Actually we do need highways. Other than I-95 and I-75, we have no other major ways to evacuate the southern part of  state in case of emergency (or vice versa if the mighty wind hits the NW).  But the same idjits probably want the state to invest billions in a high speed train from Miami International Airport to Disneyworld and believe they are doing great things for the state.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Sun Sentinel: Rednecks Trumpers do not deserve a Turnpike.”
  1. Commentary like that is idiotic past the political implications. Roads going through an area are not simply to support movement within the area, hence the word “through.”

  2. Now, I’m no expert in Florida’s geography but the “boondocks” where those proposed toll roads are located on the map seem to be running between Tallahassee-Orlando and Tampa-Cape Coral… which are some pretty important cities. They also seem to be positioned to go around those cities.

    But, sure, let’s take the Sun Sentinel’s advice and instead ram these new highways right through the center of Tampa. Be sure to eminent domain the Sun Sentinel’s offices and this schmendrick’s condo when you lay out the new design…

    1. Note that two of those proposed roads are in the general area of the Villages, which is one of the largest retirement communities in the world, and growing.
      Giving them a quicker route out of FL besides I-75 is a pretty good idea.

  3. Dear Sun Slantinel douches: we wouldn’t need new roads if the hordes of progtard a-holes, like yourselves and others, would move the &%$# back to your northeast/northwest DemonKKKrat progtard “utopian” crapholes you ruined and bailed out in a hurry from.

    Savvy? Good. Now git!

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