My son love to listen to his Sharon, Lois & Bram CD while in the car.

One of the songs is Sur le Pont d’Avignon.  These are the lyrics:

Sur le Pont d’Avignon
On y danse, On y danse
Sur le Pont d’Avignon
On y danse tous en rond

I don’t speak French.  So I sort of made up my own lyrics that sound close when done in a terrible Simpsons-esque mocking French accent.

Two lemons
Haw Haw Haw
Horny dancer, horny dancer.
Two lemons
Haw Haw Haw
Horny dancer toot your horn.


My wife finally heard my version of the song.

I am now banned from singing kids songs without pre screening of the lyrics.

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By J. Kb