By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thought on “Sunday Music”
  1. Yup. That’s Jean-Pierre Rampal, my hero when I was growing up attempting to learn the flute. He and James Galway compete for “best flutist by far”. Rampal is more elegant, Galway more flamboyant. For example, I doubt Rampal would have taken on “the Flight of the Bumblebee”, as Galway did (find it; it’s amazing when you realize you’re hearing a wind instrument and one that demands more air than most).
    I can’t think of another flutist who comes even close to those two in beauty of tone and artistic exellence. Thanks!

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