By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Surfside Building Collapse: The Stupid has begun.”
  1. Well Global Cooling in the 70’s caused the structure to develop cracks from the cold
    Acid rain in the 80’s pitted and weakened the supports
    Global warming in the 90’s caused the cracks and pits to expand from the heat
    El Nino in the 00’s … did something.
    Then Desantis became governor and personally pushed the building over because a BIPOC might have lived there and orange man bad.

  2. It’s DUH county, still run by DemonKKKrats. Moneys for maintenance are likely long gone in the pockets of the DemonKKKrats running the county/city.


  3. Wait until they start saying it is personally the fault of desantis. As if he went out there in cover of darkness and personally destroyed the support structure.

    Kind of like how my mom believes that Trump personally created and released COVID. No I’m am not making that up. She literally believes that. Facts are a foreign concept to her unless the come from the mouth of Rachael Maddow. Which is nothing but propaganda but you can’t tell her.

    I expect the same here.

  4. Same sort of thing as blaming honest gun owners for the daily carnage in Chicago’s ghettos.

    That narrative sure has a lot of holes in it. You’d have to start with the assumption that the theory of warmism is valid. Then you’d have to believe that it causes beach erosion. Then you have to believe it causes beach erosion in this specific spot. Then you have to believe the beach erosion is bad enough to tumble down a building that has stood through a dozen or so hurricanes. Oh yes, and you have to overlook the fact that the pictures of the place very clearly show the complete absence of beach erosion anywhere nearby.

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