The Social Justice Warriors were successful in bringing Starbucks to its knees.

After the arrest of two black men for loitering – trying to use a table for a business meeting while not being paying customers.*

*The irony of this strikes me.  They were trying to discuss their own business ventures while using another business’ resources without being paying customers.  I wonder if in their real estate deal, they wouldn’t mind if people squatted on their property without paying of if they’s have them evicted?

Starbucks was forced to institute Racial Bias Training which will cost upwards of $30 million, and predictably, will piss off shareholders.

“I think it is overkill, closing Starbucks stores for an afternoon of training,” Newsome, chief financial officer for the City of Flint, Mich., told The Post.

“If I am a shareholder, and an African-American, white, Asian, or of whatever background, I am going to be furious at Starbucks.”

Industry bean counters say it’ll take plenty of coffee sales to offset Starbucks’ lost revenue on May 29 as baristas take notes.

One black man managed to use this brouhaha to con Starbucks into free “reparations” coffee.  Another decided to “gotcha video” himself being denied bathroom access in a different Starbucks because victim cred is even more valuable than a free coffee.

So who is next to be broken?

Pop star Halsey (who I have never heard of) is setting the SJW sights on the hotel industry, arguing that hotel toiletries are racist.

First of hall, she has a No, 1 hit on the Billboard 200, and just bought a $2.23 million dollar home in the Hollywood Hills*.

*Her $2.23 million dollar home is 2.490 sq-ft on 0.18 acres. which is 400 sq-ft smaller than mine and on less than half the acreage, and for one-tenth the price.  So it makes me smile that I’m going better than a No. 1 pop star.

So I find it hard to believe that she doesn’t have an entourage who will bring her whatever baby foreskin body products she wants and has to use the stuff than comes in the hotel she stays at.

Second, while her Wikipedia bio says her dad is African American, her mother is European and she looks white enough to join whatever country club she wants.

So I have a feeling that this is nothing more than a baseless cry for attention and to attain some victim credibility because.

But nevertheless, it struck a chord… with former CNN anchor and Hearst TV executive producer Soledad O’ Brien.

O’Brien is her birth name, her dad being of Irish and Scottish heritage and born in Australia and her mom being Afro-Cuban.  Also with her $3 million per year salary I’m sure she can also afford whatever luxury protects she wants.  Even when she travels on Hearst’s dime, I doubt the bean counters there will make her stay at a Holiday Inn.

Hanlon’s razor says: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

Tat should be enough but I think there needs to be a principle of parsimony specifically for these types of issues: Never attribute to racism/bigotry that which is adequately explained by economics.

I would assume that hotel shampoo is shit because hotels try to buy the cheapest stuff they can get away with when they give it away for free.  I’ve never stayed in a hotel and through to myself “this free coffee that they have in my single serving coffee machine is the best cup of coffee I’ve ever had.

Personally I bring my own soap and shampoo in my travel kit just like I bring my own toothbrush and toothpaste.  Then again, I don’t go around with a multi million dollar income looking to become a victim.

Hopefully this shit will blow over.  There is no incriminating video to go along with it.  Also the fix is easy, hotels will just stop stocking that stuff and make it by request at the front desk like the “I had my toothpaste confiscated by the TSA” toothpaste.  It will save them money.

But you never know with SJWs.  The more trivial the problem the more of a shit storm it becomes.  Female genital mutilation in Michigan?  Crickets.  Write an email that says college students should be mature enough to pick out their own Halloween costumes?  Week long protest.

Maybe I should.  I have the IBS.  Hotel toilet paper rates somewhere between shop towels and newsprint for softness and texture.  Maybe I can start a campaign against hotels for being ableist against the colonically disabled and bigoted against my sensitive asshole.

Except that would put me on the same moral plane as a journalist and a pop star and there are some levels even I won’t stoop to.

Spread the love

By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Target Aquried”
  1. She could always stay at a Motel 8 or Holiday Inn Express where they don’t provide any shampoo. Probably not up to her standards though.

    I know when I was traveling across the country, after a long day of driving, I always based my decision on where to spend the night on what shampoo was provided (NOT).

  2. What the heck is “white people’s shampoo”? Last I looked shampoo was for hair; it doesn’t care about your skin color (or your hair color for that matter).

  3. Hhhhmmm, my dad was Itallion, my mom is English….can I claim victimhood too?? Im really a poor black child, raised by former slaves,really I am..

  4. “The Social Justice Warriors were successful in bringing Starbucks to its knees.”

    They were stupid enough to bend over for the SJW’s.

  5. JKB:
    A great post ! I laughed out loud — and I never do that!

    I don’t understand why these idiots don’t realize that they are making fools of themselves — and then their supporters compound the delicious irony by fawning over the fools.

    I never thought that the 21st Century would turn out this way.

    On a serious note: one could make the argument that modern technological society, made possible by the tremendous intellectual achievements of our forebears, has ironically enabled the survival and indeed the thriving of humans who wouldn’t have lasted a week in the Stone Age.

    And they don’t even realize that the people they hate the most have prevented them from being lion chow. Oh the irony!

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