The Yevsektsiya was the Jewish Sections of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union.  Its purpose was very simple, to have Communists who were “ethnically Jewish” be a 5th column and bring down the Jewish community from within by eliminating everything “Jewish” within the Jewish community.

Tablet has a great article about the Yevsektsiya, worth reading.

The United States is full of Yevsektsiya.  Every “secular Jew” who is viciously and disproportionately critical of Israel while being a Palestinian terrorism apologist, every Leftist Jew that tells you “Tikkun Olam” means serving the Progressives/Democrats cause du jour, every member of the Rabbinate that talks about social justice instead of Torah and Talmud, they are all Yevsektsiya.

I walked out of a Synagogue when a Rabbi said it was a mitzvah (blessing or good deed) to vote for Obama and reelect the first black president.

I read an OpEd by a female Rabbi who said that Judaism supports the most Progressive version of abortion on demand without apology because somehow that fully comports with Deuteronomy 30:19 “I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live.”

Liberal Jews are destroying Judaism because they are supposed to.  The Yevsektsiya were created for that purpose and they have been engaged in a very long walk through the institution of Judaism.

That very long preamble brings us around to American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten.

Before I get to what she said, I’ve seen sever news outlets cover that she’s Jewish.  She is not.  She is a Yevsektsiya.  She is a full-fledged Communist, a dyed in the wool radical Leftist.

It’s important to understand that in light of what she said.

From this article in the Jerusalem Post:

Randi Weingarten has strong words for Jews who say unions are an obstacle

That would be me.  Hello.  I’m a Jew who thinks that the teachers’ unions have been more than an obstacle.  They have been criminally liable for the depression, academic retardation, and high rate of suicide for school kids that we’ve seen and I have documented on this blog.  Lazy fuck-shit teachers want to use the pandemic as an excuse to teach only a few hours a week via remote learning while collecting full salaries from a beach in the Caribbean.

Teachers, like nurses, have burned up every ounce of goodwill society has for them on a pyre of their own greed and self-aggrandizement.  Teachers have used their position to leverage being prioritized for vaccinestens of billions of dollars in additional school funding, and all sorts of other goodies, and yet they keep moving the goalposts of when they can fully reopen.

Somehow it’s just too dangerous for a teacher in her mid-thirties, who has been vaccinated, to be in a classroom for six hours a day which a bunch of little kids who are all wearing masks inside plexiglass cubicles.  They will have to stay home until the kids are vaccinated sometime in 2022 or 2023.

Back to the article.

In recent months, as vaccines have become more readily available and, under the Biden administration’s direction, states have prioritized vaccinating teachers, it has grown safer for adults to work in school buildings. But nearly half the country’s public school students are still attending school remotely, a product of complicated logistics, parent preferences and, at least in some places, resistance by teachers to returning to in-person instruction.

This last force has generated criticism of teachers’ unions, such as Weingarten’s, for exercising outsized force in the lives of American families. Why should the teachers union in San Francisco or Los Angeles, for example, get to overrule the wishes of families who want their children in school?

It’s a question that angers Weingarten — and she has a specific message for US Jews who have joined in the criticism.

“American Jews are now part of the ownership class,” she said. “What I hear when I hear that question is that those who are in the ownership class now want to take that ladder of opportunity away from those who do not have it. Am I saying that everything we do is right? No. Are people in Los Angeles fearful? Yes.”

What the absolute fuck!?

“American Jews are now part of the ownership class.”

That is straight-up Communist propaganda.  I’m pretty fucking sure I’ve seen that in Cyrillic on a Stalin-era Soviet poster.

What the fuck is the point of saying that, other than to encourage anti-Semitic class warfare from the perpetually aggrieved?

It’s poorer kids who are hurt by the schools staying closed since rich parents can pay for private schools not bound by the teachers’ union.

Poor and working-class parents are benefiting from richer and more influential parents demanding schools reopen fully rather than just bailing for private schools.

Weingarten knows this so has to sow the seeds of division in true Communist style to turn the poorer parents against the wealthier parents instead of against the greedy fucking teachers.

The stores she pulled those seeds from was Soviet talking points.

I cannot stress it enough that the president of the American Federation of Teachers used an anti-Semitic trope that is virtually word for word out of Stalinist Russia.

As if you needed a reason to hate the teachers’ union any more.

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Teachers’ Union President goes full Yevsektsiya, as if I needed more of a reason to hate the Teachers’ Union”
  1. I have never heard the term Yevsektsiya before, but I recently watched a video interview with Richard Wurmbrand, a Christian pastor who was imprisoned for fourteen years in Communist Romania for his faith. He talked of meeting an Orthodox priest who had forsaken his faith because he was frightened by the Communists. In the end, he ended up persecuting and killing Christians, some of whom he had baptized, and he was tortured by guilt. Wurmbrand loved the Russians, the Romanians, and tried to minister to them even in prison, but he would say without equivocation that Communism is evil, as the concept of Yevsektsiya shows. Thank you for the education.

  2. Well now, as long as we’re gonna bash teachers, lets not forget we’ve been told every year for decades now that if only more money was spent on education, we could finally stop the continuing failure of the education system to teach little Sue and Johnny how to read, write and do basic mathematics at the elementary skool level before graduating them from high skool. Don’t fail them, just pass the kids anyway. THAT is why years ago I lost respect for anyone involved in the so-called education system except for the janitorial staff. And now they don’t even want to show up to not teach. Why am I not surprised.

  3. I fail to see how anyone can be a practicing, believing Jew while being a leftist, much like I cannot see anyone being a practicing, believing Christian while being a leftist.
    Those that claim such are seeking self-validarion and righteousness through works not their own, but through attempted forcible compulsion of others to an ever-changing artifice of human righteousness through secular demands.
    Their self-aggrandizement through works and “proper” beliefs is as much a heresy as those Pharisees who proclaimed their piety in the public square while turning the Temple courtyards into a literal meat market, or those Baptists who attempted to enforce dry laws against those who held not their beliefs in order to show their own righteousness.
    What leftist pretenders to the family of God/Ywh ignore is the tenet of righteousness not through one’s own actions, but of sacrifice to and for a Higher Power in the full knowledge that we cannot ever undo the sin we have incurred and throwing ourselves upon His mercy, that He might share His own righteousness to us through His compassion and love.
    That does not jive with their egos, for they will not admit they are fallen and need mercy from without. But deep down, theor egos can only lue to themselves so much before the suspension of disbelief in their own sin becomes untenable.
    So they perpetually seek paths to earn their goodness back, forever looking in the mirror and hoping that THIS TIME, others will acknowledge them as pious, so that they might brother it themselves. And in so doing, they cast themselves upon the ever changing seas of public opinion and public pseudomorality, casting off the very morals and precepts at core of what they claim to believe.
    If we were able to earn our own salvation from sin, then the Holy of Holies was without purpose. If we were able to earn our own grace, the cross would be pointless suffering. But Judaism holds that Ywh grants grace from mercy, in the emblems and symbolism of sacrifice, and Christianity teaches that Jesus’ death and resurrection is the culmination and validation of that sacrifice and grace on our behalf.
    Liberal “Jews” and leftist “Christians” do not worship the same God we do. They have elevated themselves on their own altars, found their El wanting, and continually seek to prove their own goodness through mutual assent and common acclaim, instead of bowing in worshipful pleading to the One they claim to serve.
    They are not followers of God at all, but disciples of Baal and Mammon.

    1. Similarly, it’s hard to see how you can be a practicing gun owner yet vote Democrat — but unfortunately there are still plenty of people who do exactly that.

      1. Sadly, too many people never really examine their personal beliefs, and just float along with the general zeitgeist of their peers.

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