Between May 29 and Oct. 5, there were 974 cases brought to the MCDA’s office by Portland Police. Many involve repeat offenders though the number isn’t published in the report. Nearly 70 percent of these cases were dropped. 543 cases were rejected in the “interest of justice,” 44 cases due to “insufficient evidence,” 12 cases due to “a legal impediment,” and 67 cases are “pending investigative follow-up from law enforcement.”

Portland DA rejects over 540 riot-related cases in ‘interest of justice’

But if regular guy so much as passes gas downwind, he gets the full force of the law for denying Global Warming.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Tell me again Antifa does not get special treatment.”
  1. Kinda like sanfrancisco- homeless can crap on the sidewalk but you better clean up after your DOG. The really scary part is some people still support politicians that enact ideas like this…

  2. Hopefully the average citizen will look at the situation and vote accordingly in the near future.

    My sympathy-ometer for Seattle, Portland, etc. is already reading low, but if the residents vote the same people in after seeing their behavior over the past six months, it will likely break the peg trying to go negative.

    1. Well, I still disagree with tossing them all into the same pot because they “allowed” their leftist neighbors to outvote them. If you are outvoted, you are outvoted, all it takes is 51% of the other voters to make your opinion void. So lets not just assume that everyone in Portland is a radical leftist just because a large proportion of their neighbors are totally insane. It ought to make you feel worse for the poor, rational bastards caught in that situation. I live in a state that is now considered a “blue bastion” (since the waves of out of staters invaded and took the state over for themselves), but there is still a large minority of old fashioned conservatives, farmers, blue collar workers, hunters, etc, living out on the backroads and driving pickups. They have enough sway to prevent the leftist from TOTALLY having their way, but not much, and the larger towns have gone totally leftwing batshit. So I’d hate for people who didn’t live here to say “well, screw them all, they failed to win the elections”. It’s not for lack of trying.One can say “well then it’s time for them to move elsewhere”. Maybe, but that’s not always so easy, either for financial reasons, or because your business you built up with great expense and effort cannot be relocated easily, or just because you love the area. I hate what the invaders have turned my state into, but I love that it’s a rural paradise, a safe, generally decent place (so far, although that is changing), I love the history and what the state WAS, the old farms and stone walls, the scenery. Although if the leftists here hadn’t taken on so much of the general tone of the place (as far as it goes) and they were rioting in the streets and burning down buildings, I MIGHT be tempted to relocate.

  3. “Hopefully the average citizen will look at the situation and vote accordingly in the near future.”

    Hopefully but not likely.

    The narrative is too strong. And, the average person does not care strongly enough.

    Politics is a lot like professional sports. For 70% of the people out there, they do not really care much about who is playing, or whether they win. Until the playoffs. Then suddenly the home team has to win, or they will be devastated.

    The narrative is that Republicans only care about big businesses, and Dems care about the average person. And, come Nov.3rd, people are going to vote along those lines, regardless of how many riots happen.

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