The intake lately has been increasing way too much.

The mayor of Portland, Oregon, pepper-sprayed a man outside of a restaurant Sunday night, after the mayor said the man confronted him about mask rules and other issues and then got uncomfortably close, according to a police report.

Mayor Ted Wheeler, a Democrat, told police of the man: “I clearly informed him that he needed to back off,” before spraying him in the eyes, according to an incident report released by police.

Wheeler told police he was leaving a pub at around 8 p.m. when the man, filming him with a phone, accused the mayor of not wearing a mask while sitting in a restaurant as required by Covid-19 rules, and also other issues.

Portland mayor pepper-sprayed man who confronted him about Covid-19 rules

Any other regular human being would have been charged with aggravate assault at least this being Portland. But we know the Mayor will not even be chided.

However, it is fun to see the platter of unchecked political crap dropping on him like he was recreating the Singing in the Rain dancing sequence inside a septic tank.

Hat Tip Robert E.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Thank God Schadenfreude is Cholesterol-Free. Portland Mayor confronted again.”
  1. A guy with access to armed policemen for protection is “forced” to pepper-spray a heckler? Has he eschewed police protection or were the popo doing the FIDO thing?

  2. Stuff like this only succeeds in pissing the Communists off. Next time the person accosting him will probably bring a brick or crow bar. Wheeler seems to genuinely believe that a stern dressing down is enough to ward off these people. Poor naive idiot.

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