2021 Oscars Nominations: Full List of Nominees – Variety

And as usual, I have not seen but  a very few and seriously not interested in watching the rest.

Of all the movies nominated, I watched Soul (nice one and great music, nominated for original score), Mank (great acting by Gary Oldman and utterly boring movie which he could not save) and Hillbilly Elegy (So bad the missus threatened me with divorce if we did not watch something else). Ah crap, I forgot Mulan which was a spectacular “meh” and with a message from Disney that said “If you have a vagina, you have magical powers” which we males know it is true, but more like PornHub and less Disney Princess.

Who the winners will be? Just pick your politics du jour and apply to a nominated movie. If it checkmarks 50% or more, it is a serious contender. 70% and over is a winner.

I can certainly say that during the past years, I have watched more YouTube than Hollywood and found more entertainment and less political preaching too.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “The Academy Awards Nominees are out!”
  1. From what I understand, the main claim of fame for Mulan is that it supports the CCP genocide campaign against Muslim minorities.

  2. The AA has devolved into a politically motivated mutual masturbation celebration….few people care about it anymore, especially since the movie industry was virtually shut down for the last year.

  3. I don’t really watch many movies anymore. The only two I watched in that whole list was Wolfwalkers and Soul. And while I consider Wolfwalkers superior Soul will win. Because the main character is black. And also they cannot validate 2D animation.

    In any case another award ceremony I as well as many other people will simply not watch.

  4. Haven’t been in a theater for the better part of a decade. And will not pay for movies streaming – if they’re not included in the regular subscription to the service, I’m not paying. I won’t take Disney.

    It’s simple for me: Why would I give my money to an industry that hates me and everything I stand for?

    So I don’t.

    I will under no circumstances watch the AA show. Or any other awards show. Hollywood can take their product and slide it sideways up their ***.

  5. I won’t give Woke Disney a penny, so no Soul for me. The only one of all the lists I’ve seen is Farmageddon, which like all Shaun the Sheep cartoons, is excellent.

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